Hangmans oak tree

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Hanging from a tree
Rope holding me
And no one sees me
Hanging in my oak tree

Do you ever think of me?
Would you have saved me?
Could you have changed my fate?

It doesn't matter
I'm just gonna be hanging
From the branch
Of my beautiful oak tree

There was no judge or jury
Only a rope and peoples furry
Claimed i killed a man and a child
Didn't know that i was a killer simply
Because i passed by

But now i longer worry
About gods judgement
I only worry
He will condem a woefull widow
And not societys sinner

All of these thoughts
Can be heard underneath
My oak tree
Where i hang from my necklace of rope
Hopefully it will be a symbol of hope
And not used to hang another
Unjustly sinner

And may you all remember me
And my beautiful
Oak tree

If you were to place a stone
Stating RIP
Please make sure to explain
It doesn't mean
Rest in peace

Rise in Protest
Of Injustice
And inequality

Now please leave me
To hang
In gods beautiful
Oak tree

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