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"Harper Davidson?" I stood up, leaving the magazine, and walked towards the voice.

The voice belonged to a man who was in his early twenties, with chocolate colored eyes. He was wearing a suit, and had all of his brown hair pushed back will gel. He wore a kind smile, and held a clipboard in one arm. It's safe to say that he was good looking.

"Hello," Dad greeted him, "I'm Robert Davidson, and this is my daughter, Harper."

He smiled and waved at me. He then reached out to shake Dad's hand.

"Liam Payne," He introduced himself. Then he looked at me.

"Shall we get started?" He asked.

Harper Davidson is signed up for therapy lessons with the one and only Liam Payne after her mother passed away. At first she despises it, but she starts to be a little more welcoming each week. As she starts to meet new friends who have their own problems, Harper finds out how to not only fix her problem, but fix the problems of others around her as well.


Welcome to Therapist, my first Liam fic! I know I'm a crappy updater, but I hope this story is a bit more normal. Considering how all my fics are about ninjas.

I have a plan for this story though, and I know where it's going. If you have any ideas, please feel free to inbox me! I'd love to talk to you. I'll post the first part in a little bit.

Love ya! - OverlyObsessed

P.S.: Zayn will be included in this, along with the other boys. 5sos may be in here to, but I haven't decided yet. Would you like 5sos in this?

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