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My Dad sighed as he glanced over at me. I rested my head against the window, feeling my forehead bump gently against the cool glass.

“Harper…” He started.

I ignored him, still staring stubbornly out the window.

“Harps, I think this is the best thing for you. I know you’re having a hard time, with school and… your mother, but I’m trying to do what I feel is right.” Dad said, looking at the road. “I… I’m worried about you.”

“But Dad, a therapist? Really? Dad, I’m fine!” I protested, turning to look at him.

“Well, then just talk with him. I’ve heard that the guy who you’re seeing is a really nice guy. Young too, so maybe he’ll understand your problems better than I can,” Dad half smiled at me.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to staring out the window.

Dad got out of the car with me and led the way into the hallway of many office’s. He guided me down to an empty room with multiple chairs. A waiting room. I sat down and picked up a magazine, flipping through the pages. Dad sat next to me, pulling out his Kindle to read.

We sat like that for a couple minutes, before we heard a voice call us.

“Harper Davidson?” I stood up, leaving the magazine, and walked towards the voice.

The voice belonged to a man who was in his early twenties, with chocolate colored eyes. He was wearing a suit, and had all of his brown hair pushed back will gel. He wore a kind smile, and held a clipboard in one arm. It’s safe to say that he was good looking.

“Hello,” Dad greeted him, “I’m Robert Davidson, and this is my daughter, Harper.”

He smiled and waved at me. He then reached out to shake Dad’s hand.

“Liam Payne,” He introduced himself. Then he looked at me.

“Shall we get started?” He asked.

“Sure,” I said. I really didn’t want to be here, no matter how cute my therapist was.

“Right back here,” He led me down to his office, waving my Dad goodbye. He opened the door and held it open for me. I entered with a slight ‘thanks’.

“Go ahead and sit on the couch,” He told me. I nodded, sitting on the comfy cushions. Liam sat in the chair that was right across from the couch I was sitting on. He smiled warmly at me, leaning forward.

“So… Let’s start with names, yeah? I’m Liam, you’re Harper, correct?” He asked, jotting a couple things down onto the clipboard.

“Yep.” I said, looking at the clock. 44 minutes left.

“What do you like to do?” Liam asked.

I just shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Well, everyone likes something,” Liam said. “What do you like?”

“I guess I like wasting all my free time on Tumblr,” I said.

“Tumblr! I’ve heard of that. What do you do on there?” He asked.

My face went red. “Umm… we discuss… random things.” Porn, hot people, weird things.

“Okay,” He nodded. “How’s school?”

I shrugged once again.  

He nodded, glancing down at the paper in his hands. “Okay. How’s life at home. I was informed that your mother passed away a little bit ago. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“It’s okay,” I said quietly, trying to push back the tears. “We were just really close.”

Liam nodded once again. “Would you like to talk about her?”

I shook my head, staring down at my lap.

He kept asking me questions, like where I was born and did I have any pets, etc.

An hour later, he glanced at the clock. “Well, Harper, it was nice meeting you! I’ll see you next week.”

I nodded and walked out, saying a quick goodbye.

I couldn’t see if this would turn out good or bad.

Hello, here is chapter one! Hope you liked it!

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