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The next week, after my weekly session, I saw Niall sitting on the curb again, looking a bit happier than he had been two weeks ago. When I exited the building, his eyes lit up. Niall stood up and greeted me.

"Hey." He gave an awkward wave.

"Hi," I smiled back.

"So... I was wondering, any chance you'd want to... Hang out for a little bit?" Niall asked nervously.

Hang out? I haven't been asked by someone else for a long time to just hang out- besides my father, of course. Not to mention I bet it took a lot of guts for Niall to ask me that. I was genuinely surprised.

I guess Niall took my reaction the wrong way though, and his face fell. "We don't have too- I mean, just because you drove me home that one time doesn't mean- I'm not forcing you or anything but-"

I cut him off with a laugh.

"Sure!" I agreed, "Where to?"

Niall looked like he wasn't expecting this conversation to go this direction. "Oh, great! And I don't really care, why don't you pick?"

"Does bowling sound alright?" I asked him.

"Sound great!"

We made our way to my car. We got into the car, and we were off!

While I was driving, an idea popped up in my head. "Hey Niall, why don't you put your number in my phone?" I asked him. I unlocked my iPhone and handed it to him.

He gave a long glance at my phone, and then looked back at me.

"What's this?" Niall asked, looking worried.

My face paled when I saw what he was referring to.

The bullies were sending me mean texts again.

"Uh, those are nothing," I quickly said, swiping to rid my screen of the notification.

"Harper, that didn't look like nothing. Are people being mean to you?"

"Are people mean to you?" I asked.

Niall was quiet for a moment. "Yes," he finally said. "I do get bullied. But I don't like it when my friends are being bullied."

"I don't either," I responded.

"Look, I won't tell anyone about this, but I really think you should tell someone about this," Niall advised.

"Same goes for you," I told him. I pulled into the parking lot of the bowling alley.

"Looks like we both aren't the most social and respected people ever, huh?" Niall gave a dry chuckle.

"Yeah, we are," I sighed. Then I turned to look at him.
"But we can be social outcasts together."

"I'm fine with that."


So remember when Liam made me promise to take opportunities to meet friends? Well apparently, he's gone out of his way to arrange a group session with Niall and I down at Coffee N Books, a coffee shop with- you guessed it! A bookstore attached.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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