Chapter one

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"Did you know that they have a ten foot tall chocolate fountain!" Izzy said to me.
" Do u know how to shut up!" Lacey yelled back. We were all so exited, exempt for Lacey. She keeps getting mad at me because she wasted her savings on coming with us. We are always going on trips around the globe. But Lace never comes with us. That's why she came, she didn't want to be left out. Izzy sat back in her seat. Cam hugged her and made a comment. " yeah. Ur not having fun so u make every else's trip miserable!" Izzy smiled and gave him a soft kiss. By the way, Cam is Izzys boyfriend. He is tall with blond hair and dresses like a tomboy! Then there's Tessa, Natalee and Matt. Tessa is Matts little sis. She's always been a close friend to us. And Natalee is Matts girlfriend. They don't really act like it though. More like a divorced couple. Anyway that takes it back to me. My name is Maddison. We arrive in Africa in 1/2 an hour. I'm sitting next to this girl. Her name is Katy. She said that she is going to Africa to help children with disabilities or no family's. Then there's three people behind us and 6 on the other side. We chose the 20 seated plane because it's a lot nicer then most others. Plus it is a lot safer. Then the loud speaker set off and everything went quiet.
" good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is your c... c.... Captain speaking. w.....we are going to be landing in 6 minutes so I dear ask if you ....w....w.....would please turn all mobile phones off and be seated!" He sounded a bit startled. No one else thought of it though so I just let it skip my mind. Five minutes past and we were safely landed. The pilot walked out of the cabin and said
" Greer out" he was slurring his words. Then he just fell. The ground went from white, to red. Everyone started screaming and racing for cover. We were all crying. Then a man in a black jumper walked out of the captains cabin.
" shut ya mouths" he uttured. Everyone ignored him. One girl raced to the exit of the plane. Our ears perched as he pulled the trigger. Her shoulder penlted back and she fell to the floor.
" I said shut up." Everyone stopped screaming although they still cried.
" Thankyou" he sighed. The ladies name was Rebecca. She had a husband and three children. She started moaning and moaning. The man walked of to her while flipping a tooth pick around in his mouth. The ballot had scrapped her stomach so she was still alive. But she was in a lot of pain. He bent down and pulled a knife from his belt.
" close your eyes!" He yelled at her.
She didn't. In one swift move he slit the left of her neck. The blood pored everywhere. Everyone was tearing. I looked around to make sure my friends were safe. They all were. Lacey glared at me and stood up.
She pulled a gun from her back pocket.
" don't move or I'll blow ya face to pieces Maddison!!" She yelled at me. She walked to the front of the plane.
" ya didn't have to kill her." she screeched.
" I felt like it" the man said back.
He opened the plane door and pushed the woman to the ground then closed it up again.
" now listen clear and loud!" The man yelled. " I'm going to kill everyone of you"
Everyone started moaning again under there tears. I got down to the very bottom of my chair, under Neath if you might say.
I was scared and I had something that could help. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and dialled my mothers number. The screen went blue. No reception! Then my mind was interrupted by a voice.
" Maddy get up" it was Izzys. It looked like everyone was exiting the plane. We all left the premises. We had not only stepped out of a plane, but into the harsh deserts of Africa. There was elephants not far away. We were in a death zone if u might call it.
" Lacey" I screeched under my breath.
" what a you doing, you can't just leave us here!!!!" I went to grab her wrist but before I could the man hit my hand with his gun. My hand made a crunch notice as I dropped to the ground. I couldn't stop crying and moaning.
" Maddy!" She jumped out of the plain and picked me up.
" I have to do this!" I didn't listen to her. She's a cow. Using my good hand I swung it back and back handed her across the face. She she grabbed my writes and kneed me in the stomach. My vision went blurry had my body hit the earth.
" come on let's go!!" She yelled as she got back into the plane. Everyone ran to my side. A man, rather good looked lifted me up and fled me from the scene. Although my vision was blurry I noticed a woman. She was sitting next to the plane. She was heavily pregnant and was trying to crawl away front the plain. Then it started. The plain roars as it started up once again. I jumped from the mans arms, pushing him to the ground and ran to her. I grabbed her by the wrists and hung her over my shoulder. Her ankles scraped along the rocky dirt as I ran her away. The plain made a sharp turn and began facing down till it lifted to the sky. Everyone began panicking. I laid the woman on a rock.
" I'm giving birth!!!!" She yelled.
" my name is Maddison, what is yours!"
she began crying. " Lana" she cried. I laid her back and lifted her skirt up. I could see the top of the baby's head.
" Lana I'm going to try and deliver this baby!" She nodded and began pushing. The boy who carried me from the plain walked over and took of his shirt.
" you can do it lana, come on push!" I cried. She pushed with all her might. She screamed and cried she grabbed the dirt and flew it around.
Everyone stopped . It all went silent. The boy wrapped the shirt around the baby. And held him close.
" lana it's a boy" I cried.
As I looked once again. I noticed that she was gone. Everyone crowded to see the wonderful sight. The baby cried. Katy (the girl sitting next to me on the plane) walked over and took the baby from his arms. I fell back. Cam, Tessa, Matt and izzy all came over and we sat under a tree.
There was 6 other woman and 3 men other then the rest of us who remained.
How were we surrposed to survive.

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