Day one!

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I woke to the intense sound of crying. The squeals of Eric woke everyone. Except for one. Alexia. I stood and placed the crying baby in Scott's arms. " why give him to me?" I through my head back towards the non awaken girl. He smiled and gently began nursing. Alexia was one of the girls. I walked over and slowly began waking her.
" Alexia? Wake up." I whispered. She opened her eyes only to show dry tears surrounding her eyes.
" is everything okay?" I questioned while sitting leaning into a hug. She wiped them away and stood looking down at me.
" can someone take control we have been stuck here over 23 hours and no one has come up with a solution!" She yelled awaking the rest who had drifted off. I stood and placed my cold wrinkled hands on her bare shoulders. " I will" I sighed. She did a forced smile and sat back down. I would out in front of everyone. " can everyone form a circle?!" Everyone stumbled as they jumped from the ground. We formed what really looked like an oval. But I was happy. Alexia stood and squeezed in between to men. All of my friend held hands while emerging the circle. Scott walked and stood next to me.
" I need to know all of your names" they all began chattering ad telling me their names all at once.
" we'll go around the circle. " I asked. Everything went silent as they looked sly at eachother.
" my names Scott, I'm single and I'm a football player." Scott said breaking the silence.
" this is Eric and as most of you should no that's lana. His mother." He then added. Everyone looked at the dead body laying on the rock.
" I'm carol." Everyone then turned to the voice. It was the lady set beside scott.
" I'm 62, married with 4 children and 5 grandchildren and I'm retired."
"I'm cam and I'm in love with this wonderful person. This is Izzy. My fiancé." She gasped as she turned to him. He bent on one knee.
" I was saving it till Africa but, I don't think we'll get to the resort in time!" She giggled and through her arms around him. He put the huge rock on her finger. " I Love you." She cried. He gently kissed her forehead and stood from the ground.
" my names Matt. I'm 23 and I am a marine biologist. Im also a trained dolphin expert" he looked at Natalee coded up beside him.
She lifted her head and licked her lips.
" in Natalee and I'm 3 weeks pregnant!" Everyone gasped and started whispering among themselves. I ran to then and hugged her. " love ya" we whispered. Tessa whipped the tears from her arms and hugged Natalee. Matt pressed his lips against her forehead and looked at Tessa.
" oh I'm tessa. I'm 19. I just finished my 1 year at uni and hoping to be a nurce. Matt is my brother and Natalee is my " soon to be" sister in law!" Everyone smiled at this amazing story's and stuff spread.
" I'm Katy. Unlike all you lovely people, I never travelled to Africa for a holiday. I came to help children..........*" she faded fro. My life when I looked at Eric he was slowly falling asleep.
" you have the touch!" I whispered to him.
"*.............. And that's really it" I flicked back to what was going on and nodded to the next person.
" I'm Brad, I have 2 boys and I'm my wife died three years ago so year that's me!" He sighed.
" I'm alexia, I have nothing to say but I'm scared! I'm scared that were all gonna either die or be found. I don't want to die!she yelled while streams of tears slipped down her face. Brad grabbed her and grasped her in a hug.
"My names Max. The boy said In an English ascent. I'm in Africa to surrprise my fairer whose in school. " everyone made a slight, " awwwwww" before moving to the next person.
"I'm Sarah and I'm 16 years old. I was in a compotion to win a trip to Africa and...... I won. Now I wish I never did." She said as a sob started.
" I'm um Lydia and I'm going over there my honeymoon!" she smiled while grasping the mans hand next to her.
" I'm Shane and I love this woman. He smiled while grasping her hand tighter.
" I guess that leads to me!" I giggled. " I believe we can survive......... If we work together. We can live and hunt until saved. We will be found. I just know it."
Everyone smiled in hope.
" what's ya name darling?" Carol questioned. " oh silly me, I'm Maddison but please call me Maddy!" Everyone smiled.
" we will get fire wood!" Matt yelled while pulling Tessa, Natalee, Cam and Izzy towards the dead trees only a few metres away.
" we will look for bush food!" Sarah Lydia and Shane all ran the direction of the thick bush.
" we will make shelter!" Carol yelled.
Then Alexia and brad followed her. The rest just spilt into groups.
I looked at Scott who was still holding the sleeping baby.
" we will bury Lana." I whispered to him.
He smiled and put the baby in my arms. He walked to Lana's side and lifted her from the ground. He lifted her bridal stile and walk her to the creek, probably infested with crocs. He laid her on the back and removed her cloths. All she was now was a dead naked body. He flipped her into the moat. She floated for a while then sunk.
Everyone was carrying wood and branches and little mangos and bush tomatoes.
I smile at the wonderful sight when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.
" will this work as a cot?" Alexia questioned. She held up a log, well half of one anyway and it was hollow. She laid it on the ground and put two rocks either side to keep it stable. I gently went to lay Eric in it then I noticed the little twigs pointing out of it.
" he'll get splinters." I said as I cuddled him close again.
Scott bent down next to me and laid Lana's cloths in it.
" see if it works?" He asked.
I laid the Eric once more in it. He flickered his eyes then drifted off.Alexia and I got either side of it and carried it it over next to the tree. Scott carried the rocks and placed them either side.Alexia sat next to him.
" I'll watch him." She said. We nodded and walked around to help. Everyone had stuff going on. izzy and cam where making a fire. carol was busily splitting tomatoes and mangos and laying them on banana leaves. Others were making shelter and others were laying branches down for beds. I looked at Sarah. She had her bucket hat made from bamboo and walked over to the moat. She dipped it into the water as lifted it out. It slowly dripped from the bottom. Once all the water came out. Mid and dirt was left in it. The bamboo had stopped all the nasty and left clean water dripping out the bottom.
She smiled in excitement and ran to me.
" look!" She squealed.
" wow go get more share t around!" I yelped. She ran back to the waters edge and gathered more water. She ran to everyone giving them a sip. She ran over to Alexia and Scott who were carrying big arse logs and sitting them around the fire pit.
I couldn't help but notice is big arms tense when ever he lifted something. Or is abs pump. I realised I was just standing doing nothing so I ran over to brad who was sitting over a sanding ledge.
" look" he whispered. There were these little burrows with rabbits in them.
I gasped. He jumped as ran in to one of the holes . I stood there as they fled from the other hole. He gilt back out and they fled back in. I walked over next to him and crouched down.
" go over to that hole and stay there." I whispered. He walked over and crouched down. I scramble in and yelled in the hole. They fled out hitting brad. I ran to help. He got one in his hand and broke it's neck and just kept doing it. We repeated the same process before we had about eleven rabbits. We carried them over to the tree and laid them in a pile. That's when screams filled the air.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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