Chapter 2

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SilverShade sniffed the air, though she already heard the cats. They were rushing through the forest, not worried about making noise. SilverShade snarled "Crap!"

Just this morning SharkTooth had left on a early hunting trip on the other side of the river and she was planning to stay there for the day.

These cats were either messing around or dangerous, the last cat that had come trampling through the clearing had come in the middle Winter in an attempt to steal prey.

SilverShade stood her ground beside her mother, her mouth twisted into a vicious snarl. A large tabby tom erupted into the clearing, a large blue-gray tom and black tom behind him, a sandy she-cat bring up the rear.

The tabby's eyes broke away from her mother's gaze. "Who are you?" He purred dangerously, his blue eyes searching SilverShade's. Her mother snarled, stepping forward, her wiry body doing little to shield her from the tabby.

"Get away from my daughter you Scavenger!" She hissed, baring her teeth.

"Your daughter huh?" He said, sizing SilverShade up, she hissed, baring her fangs. "Got any others?"

"No. Just me." SilverShade lied easily, her eyes cold as ice. "I'd get off territory if I were you."

"No tid bit, I think this place would suit my cats well." He growled, his dark fur spiking up, His pale blue eyes glittered darkly.

SilverShade hissed, launching at the ignorant tabby, her claws raking his side as she mounted his back. He snarled and reared up, backing against a tree and crushing her beneath him. She let out a screech as he dug his fangs into her scruff and kicked her back.She slipped between his claws, seeing her mother being dragged away, the two males claws dug into her haunches, she had let out screeches as they dragged her away in a trail of her own blood.

"Mom!" SilverShade wailed, kicking the tabby in the chest, knocking the breath out of him. She pursued the cats, slightly suspicious of the lack of the sandy she-cat. She burst through the bushes, the river lapped at her paws, upstream the two toms snickered, staring down the river.

Shark! SilverShade thought, she leapt halfway across the river, splashing into the fast moving water, and icy wave capsized over her head. She forced her legs into a rhythm, lifting her head from the rivers grip, water streaming down her face.

With another mighty kick, SilverShade washed against the shore. Her fur clung to her pelt, revealing her lithe form. She shook her fur, pacing in a few tight circles to get her blood pumping before taking off towards the open forest.

She was a few paces from the nearest tree when the sandy she-cat exploded from a hollow log, slamming into SilverShade mid-bound. She growled, rolling to the ground as the she-cat pinned her to the ground, her long claws against her throat.

"Don't kill her Dust." Came a male voice. As Dust turned her elegant head towards the tabby, SilverShade unsheathed her claws, slicing through the pale fur and into the windpipe. Dust let out a choking sound before falling onto SilverShade, blood pouring out of her neck. The scarlet liquid stained the ground and SilverShade's pale chest fur.

The tabby took a step forward, growling, as SilverShade shoved the limp body off her. "Ok fish, I didn't come to have you kill the mother of a kit, or for you to lose your mother-" SilverShade didn't let him finish, summoning some small bit of energy, she leapt at him, her claws out stretched.

He ducked her attack, sending her tumbling in the dry grass of the field. "I didn't ask you to come! You destroyed my life you flea brained kitten!" She hissed, the standing up, lashing her black striped tail in anger.

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