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3rd chapter


"Y/N, can you help me tie up my shoes pleaseee?"                                                         "Sure Phil, come here!" I responded                                                                                      The small boy laughed and sat on my bed, while I tied his shoes.

As I finished, we both walked into the dining room. Emma and Norman were already there and we all told each other good morning. But as I looked at Emma; she then quikly turned her head away and just smiled akwardly. I decided to walk up to her as we brought the plates to the table

"Good morning Emma! You slept well?"                                                                                                                       "I slept quite alright, thanks for asking."                                                                                                                    "Hurry up and set the table, you have enough  time to chat later!" Ray complained

Emma chuckled quietly and I couldn't let a smile escape my face. 

All the children sat on their chairs and ate their delicious munched potatoes.                                          "You guys have any plans for today?" Norman asked after swallowing his bites.                                       "I just want to read my new book I found" -Ray                                                                                                        "No plans" Emma replied and as I was about to go along with Emma's answer, I felt  someone hitting my leg easily, as I looked up I could see Ray giving me a serious stare before continuing his meal                                                                                                                                                                                       "I also wanted to continue reading" 

Time passes and Emma and Norman told us they're gonna play tag with the other children.

"So why can't we play tag too?"I asked my brother                                                                                                 "Don't you understand they don't actually just play tag-"                                                                                  "Well what are they supposed to do. They can't leave anyway."                                                                       "I'm not a fortune teller, but I'm sure they're doing something other than just peacefully playing tag after they witnessed the truth."

Ray had already an idea were to look for the two so we just went to check

3rd Persons POV

Emma put the ropes they smuggled under their clothes into a hole in a tree

"now we have a way to climb over the wall" -Emma

"We solved to figure out the hard part" -Norman

"What to do with the tracking devices" -Emma

"And how will we take everyone else when we escape" -Norman

"Hey Norman, I think it'd be a great idea to tell Ray andY/N and get their oppinion" -Emma

"I was thinking the very same thing..

..They'd also be the least likely to panic, and because Ray knows alot, he'd be very good with machines, and Y/N would always know how to make things come true, that would be an acced to our plan,but..." -Norman

"But what?" -Emma

"Tell them what, I'll talk to those two myself, why don't you head back to the house for now"         -Norman

"Just tell us now" Ray and Y/N came out of the bush

"Hey, sorry we followed you" 

Ray and his sibling went closer to Emma and Norman, Ray than gave Emma a book into her hand and threw his arms around everyones shoulders

"So tell us what happened at the gate the other night"-Ray


"You know, when you tried taking back little bunny to Conny, you both were acting alot weirder than usual, and came back empty handed even though you didn't see her"-Ray

"You're so clever"-Norman

"So it's obvious something happened now spill it!" Ray set his grip tighter

Emma and Norman explained Y/N and Ray what they saw, both siblings tried to act innocent, but then they had to discuss, who they would be capable of taking with them to escape.

Of course Emma wanted to take everbody with them, but as much as you loved her, you couldn't believe, that this would work out.

"Come on Y/N, you want to take everybodys with you too, right?" Emma looked at you hoping you'd agree.

"I'm really sorry Emma, I just can't imagine, that it'd actually work.."


"You two should just go back home before mom gets suspicious, Norman and I have to talk about something"

"Alright" Y/N said, taking Emmas hand. They both hurried. Nobody dared to talk so you just ran back home.

"Why don't you wanna take everyone with you?" Emma suddenly asked.
You didn't know either, maybe you're just stressing too much. You didn't answer but looked down, both of you continued walking back. After about 15 minutes, Ray and Norman also headed back.

Emma's question got you thinking the whole time. You just couldn't change your mind, so at the end of the day you went to sleep, still having no proper answer.

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