The Science Project

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Chapter 1

Science Project

I sit staring out the window at lunch. I wonder when he'll be back ... When he'll come home.

He's the only one who truly gets me. Sure, there is no possible way for him to fully understand me. If there is, then he'll know how lonely it is to be on your own--especially if you're like me, that is. He wouldn't leave so often in search of unknown things.

I hope he'll be back soon. He gives me something to brighten my day. I don't have to hide anything when I'm around him. I can just be me. I sigh.

"Are you even listening to me?" Rachel asks, stealing me from my thoughts.

"Hm?" I reply.

She folds her arms. "I knew you weren't listening to me. I saw it in your eyes."

I freeze. What did she just say? Did she see anything?

"I'm sorry," I ask politely. "What?"

"Well, as I was saying before, Chase dumped me again. I didn't do anything wrong! I don't get why he keeps doing it. I'm the perfect girlfriend!!"

"If he keeps dumping you then why do you keep going out with him?"

"He's so sweet and innocent! And hot, never forget hot."

I sigh. That's it; love will never make sense to me. I've tried countless times to understand this whole "going out" thing but I guess it just never has clicked with me. Maybe it's something to do with being different. I have no clue.

I absentmindedly play with my food.

"Hey," asks Rachel, "what do you think of that guy over there?"

I look over to the table she's pointing to. I flip my hair a little to the side so I can see. That might be helpful. I see around seven or so guys sitting together, laughing and messing with each other. I wish I could have more relationships like that in my life.

"Rachel, there's about a million guys over there, how am I supposed to know which one you are talking about?" I question.

"Ugh! Isn't it obvious?"

"No, I just said that."

"You see the one in the green shirt with the short haircut?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"What do you think of him? C'mon, I asked this question two seconds ago! You're not focused today, even for you. I mean you usually have that weird look in your eyes but that's become normal I guess and ..."

I tune her out and stare at the guy she pointed at. I recall having him in my history class. His name is Jack.

"I don't know," I answer. "I guess I never thought about it."

"You are the strangest girl I know, Elizabeth Zychite."

I sigh. "I know." I always would be. "Did you have to use my full first name? You know I prefer Liz."

"Oh, I'm sorry! Slip of the tongue!" I notice her trying to hide a smile. Yeah, sure it was a "slip of the tongue." Your smile is definitely not obvious.

I huff, upset at her. My bangs once again cover my right eye. Why do I have bangs again? Oh, yeah, that.

The bell rings so, we walk to science together and take our seats. "So what about him?" She motions toward a guy I've never noticed before.

"Is he new?" I ask.

"I think so," she replies. "He was in my second hour and was talking with the teacher. Why, you interested?"

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