
152 21 67

Dear no one,

Things are bad again... really, really bad.

I was not even in the slightest bit prepared for everything to come crashing down the way that they have, but then again, when have I ever been?  Silly of me to think that everything was fine, I always have been the delusional one.

If they were still here, I'm pretty sure this could have all been avoided. They were really good at protecting me before things got this far. They always knew exactly what to say, exactly how to tackle each and every obstacle as things tried to get in their way.

I really admired them for that, honestly. They were always braver than most... braver than myself.

I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to get out of my head this time, fuck I don't know how to even get myself through any of this without y- them. They were never supposed to leave, it was never supposed to be like this.

Someone, anyone, just.. help me, please.

I am so fucking lost.

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