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The moment Midnight declared the start of the fight Mei went on the attack to show off her babies. "BEHOLD MY STICKY BABY!" She said as she flew up and shot capsules half the size of baseballs filled with glue at Izuku who began dodging frantically. Her speed when shooting was so fast that the audience could not keep track where she was aiming, making it look like she was firing at random. For her it was refreshing to have someone who thinks and reacts at a normal pace like her. As she has to usually slow down her thought process for those around her so she could properly explain her babies to them when they asked. Or in this case help her demonstrate her new baby for much longer period of time than a normal person could. A sentiment Izuku somewhat shared with her as he too had slow down for the people around him by concentrating. Mei turned away for a moment after a minute or so of this to see how the support companies were feeling so far about this baby.

"NOW THAT IS MOST CERTAINLY A UNIQUE NAME FOR AN INVENTION?" Present Mic said trying his hardest to not make a penis joke. Midnight and Eraserhead on the other hand both rolled their eyes knowing his childish humour he was actually suppressing. Nezu who knows Present Mic well also knows the voice hero knows better than to use dirty jokes when on air like this. Granted he never really made them to begin with as those were more Midnight thing than his, his were more childish... and simply loud.

Izuku was caught off guard to say the least as he was not expecting a glue gun to be fired at him, especially this rapid fire succession. Unfortunately for him her ammunition seemed to be plentiful based off the size of the ammunition and the sizeable pouch she had at her waist. Being unable to get the few seconds to hold still and attack with a Delaware Smash he had no choice but to stumble and dodge. While doing this he noticed how her jetpack functioned, and he realized her limitless power source was also her greatest weakness. What was making his situation so dire was the fact that every attack he dodged meant he had less room to move around in after. If he did not think of a plan soon he would be unable to move and left at her air superiority mercy. Luck smiled upon him however as he noticed her looking away from him for a few seconds, this moment of her not firing gave him the chance he needed that her swift reloading did not allow him. Unleashing a Delaware smash after calculating the trajectory/speed of the capsule, the power of his attack, her position when she would recover from his attack, and the moment the ball of glue would get into position.

"MIDORIYA LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE IN A TIGHT SPOT FOR A WHILE THERE BUT MANAGED TO LUCK OUT WHEN HIS AIR ATTACK JUST NOW!" Present Mic said being careful not to spoil his glue ball surprise for his opponent. That was when the voice hero noticed the mouse principal snickering to himself and his friend raising an eyebrow at him. "WHAT IS SO FUNNY YOU TWO?" He asked them unsure why they were laughing. Aizawa told him to wait till after the fight for an explanation of what he apparently did not know.

Mei Hatsume fired off her gun only to a second later to have herself swept off her feet mid air by a strong wind force. Her jet pack pulling her a few feet closer to the ground before righting herself into proper standing position facing him. She was about to fire at him when some sort of liquid exploded in her top vent that was sucking in air. This however triggered her to soar upward due to the hot air being vented from below that now had no counter force to keep it in check. Quickly turning off her pack before going to high, but as she was about to hit the ground she got knocked back by another strong air blast. To avoid getting knocked out of the arena before she could show off more, she launched her grappling her hooks from her utility belt. The prongs got stuck in the ground holding her in place on the edge of the arena now realizing the air blasts came from him.

IZUKU SKIRT A WILD WINDWhere stories live. Discover now