Entry 7

236 18 5

Dear diary

As juvia was walking home juvia saw natsu and Lucy kissing

Wow juvia is a expert at love

Lucy stopped kissing natsu and saw juvia and juvia ran away screaming with juvia arms in the air

Lucy started to run after me and natsu saying " its not what it seems "

Juvia thought this was a game of tag

Untill natsu burned off juvia shoes to let me stop running

Juvia ended up with face on the floor

Lucy and natsu gave juvia a lecture on how to not spy on someone when a couple is showing affection to one another

Juvia is confused

Juvia was not spying

Juvia just glanced and got over excited that's all

Then in the middle of juvia lecture natsu started to kiss Lucy again a told her that he loves her and will never leave her side

Juvia is the third wheel

juvia is sad that gray sama should say that to juvia

Love,sad juvia

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