Entry 16

149 13 0

Dear diary,
Today juvia is at the hospital to visit graysama, graysama looks much better than yesterday.
They said that graysama is getting better they also said that graysama hit his head so graysama is recovering and graysama is alseep

Thank god graysama didn't lose any memory cause juvia will freak out!
(Screams very quietly because graysama is sleeping)

Oh no graysama is waking up

Graysama looks so kawaii when he sleeps 

Graysama is looking at juvia and graysama is blushing again

Oh no what should juvia say agghhh juvia is so confused juvia loves graysama so much that juvia don't know what to say agghhhhh juvia has now the awkward silence, come on juvia say some thing!!!!

(Juvia yells with arms swinging in the air and leaves the room but hits a wall and falls to the floor and passes out ,graysama comes running out to see if juvia is alright and picks her up off the floor and brings her to the room and lays her down on the bed and says " you so cute even when you make your little mistakes Baka but your perfect to me in every way, I love you juvia")

Sorry Guys if you don't know what "kawaii" means it's actually means cute in Japanese and "Baka" means like stupid or idiot.

I will also continue to update sorry for the long pause in this diary
I hope you enjoy every word of juvia's diary

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