Entry 13

196 15 1

Dear diary


Juvia can't wait to see him yes!
Juvia is waiting at the train stop to see him!

Oh look he is here with no love rival yes!

Juvia jumps on graysama with a big hug but this time not breaking any of graysama ribs.

Graysama gives juvia a hug back

Yes this is the best day of juvia life (except for the day when juvia meet graysama).

Graysama asked juvia where is the flame head (natsu)

Juvia tells graysama about natsu not confessing his love to Lucy and how big of a liar natsu is

Graysama is also a big nalu shipper

Graysama and juvia have so much in common and juvia and graysama love is strong even if graysama does not realize. Even though graysama does not show his love for juvia..... juvia knows graysama loves juvia.

Oh my god graysama is holding juvia hand. Juvia is blushing like crazy.. juvia looks like a tomato ,juvia needs to stop!!, oh no graysama is looking at juvia and thinks juvia is sick
* few hours later*
Juvia is now in the hospital

Great now juvia looks like a dummy for passing out and now in the hospital

The doctor tells juvia that graysama is out side waiting for me and worried. Juvia can't believe it graysama does love juvia.

Now the doctor told juvia to put down the book which it is a diary by the way but anyway because he thinks it is giving juvia stress.

Love , juvia

Ps : When juvias eyes were closed pretending juvia was asleep graysama came in and told juvia thinking juvia is passed out said
" juvia I love you and I want you to feel better I know I was very mean to you and I wanted you to say away from me because I didn't want people thinking that I like you when I do, you sometimes embarrass me with the things you do.How I feel about you is like this every time I see you I feel happy,every time you touch me when I feel miserable I feel better again,you are the light to my world juvia-feel better"

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