my one-sided date

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it's good to see u again , u always know me, i never changed.

u do tho!

i like  ur style, your hair and u're taller !

this time i'll be brave , i play with your hair n talk for the first time .

we walk , it's not on my way but it doesn't matter .

i am smiling from ear to ear , happy . for a moment i forget the world and everyone , it's you and only you.

i tell u abt my new nickname , my childhood dreams and u tell me abt your life , abt your problems and your intrests.

i never felt this way before but...i wanna hold your hand ....i wanna hug you .... i wanna go out with you ...i..i ...

this is so new to me : i was confident i can make this happen but now i'm so scared.

i tell u i'm doing well. you're going and i gotta go but i really don't wanna let go of your hand !

i won't ! i told u i don't want to let go of it !

how do u feel ? do u hate that ? u wish i stop or go further?

i remember the cute paint i made, i go to give it to u as a souvenir but you're gone .

 i come home and i text you daily , moring and night . was it hard to text me first for once?

i share with u my excitment , my fears , my secrets and my happiness . but someone like you never cared for me ! u only wanted the happy me! and i hate that...

i talked about you to my closest friends. i was super confused by my feelings but were you?

u like the caring loving me , the one who only do what u like.

should i keep doing this or not...

you're the only one who understand my dreams , my intrests, my love for english and for music.

similair dreams , hobbies, pains , and memories.

i felt u were a part of me , u were me and i wasn't ever afraid to share it.

they said we're cute but now they say i should give up, what should i do?

i don't wanna do the same mistake again. should i confess?

am i just lost?


i feelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora