are u mine?

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i thought you were gone.. from my gone ..

i knew i better not say my goodbyes but keep being a nice friend.

but now my heart can't stop speeding  and it's your fault .

so are u really mine ?

do u love me?

do u dream about me or not?

u see i'm enough and i'm perfect  or am i just a friend to flirt with?

just a girl you crave her words, her love and touch?

do u really like the way it is to have somebody by you side ,

are you feeling the stability of someone u broke her heart and still here for you.

are you mine or is it some careless words u never meant?

was you heart beating the way mine was..

are we the same to love and leave ...

cuz i never felt this way.

i love your smile, your giggle and i love your voice.

i can let go and move on but u keep pulling me close and i am dying in your words.


writer: Sirine Fakfakh

Note:  Thanks love you my moonlights!

Note: i am so inspired today , i wrote a lot ! i'll keep on.

what's going on in your lives right now? i am learning , having fun and my life's exciting!

sometimes i go through bad moments but i should not let anything bring me down!

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