Shinji Nishiya's (Kamui Woods) Background

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It was the year 2001, during the start of spring, a baby named Shinji Nishiya was born into this world.  He was born in a rural farming town next to a forest. 

His father was a strong, handsome man with shaggy brown hair and a chiselled face named Hiroto Nishiya (character i made up) and his mother was a beautiful woman with a warm personality named Hana Nishiya(character i made up)

Their family was poor and could only afford necessities and had very little luxuries. Nevertheless, they were happy. 

Shinji was a kind kid who loved spending time with his parents, along with helping his neighbours. 

He had big, brown eyes, and bushy,  green leaf-like hair. His arms were wood and after he was five, he found out  that his quirk enabled him to control the wood on his arms. 

The villagers adored little Shinji, as he was smart, kind, intelligent and honest. 

Shinji followed his parents' hobbies. By the age of 4, he was already following his mother into the forest to look for extra food. Hana Nishiya's quirk was that she could talk to nature, so, she was confident when in the forest and would spend a lot of time in there. 

By the time Shinji was 5, he already knew how to survive in a forest, how to differentiate poisonous food to edible food, how to navigate in the forest, how to take care of plants, even how to plant them!

Shinji also followed his father's hobbies too, like helping other people, or having the same idea that quirks should be used to help and protect other people who are not strong enough. Plus, both of them had wood-based quirks.

One day, when Shinji's dad was out of town, Shinji and his mom came back home from the forest with baskets of fruit, vegetables and edible mushrooms.

While his mother was making hot pot out of the vegetables and mushrooms, Shinji asked her, "Mom, how did you meet Dad?"  (Note: Shinji is 6 yrs old)

His mother was smiled to hear him asked such a question, but replied, "I'll tell you after dinner, little one!" 

"Yay! Promise?" Shinji held up his little pinkie finger.


They then ate dinner, and after that, Shinji got ready for bed, and went to his mother, "Mom! you promised me something!" He said with excitement.

"Alright, alright, let's go," Hana laughed, leading little Shinji to his bedroom. Tucking him in, she began her story...

"I was a teenager, wandering around the forest as usual, gathering food to go home, when I suddenly encountered some bandits!

"It was past 6pm, a time where I shouldn't have been out, but since i had lost track of time, i was still out in the forest. I tried losing them in there, but they used their quirks to catch up to me,"

"This isn't about how you met Dad at all! " Shinji pouted.

"Just wait, my little sapling.

"So, i was almost cornered when suddenly, someone stepped forward and confronted them! That man was your Dad! He beat the hell outta those bandits!"

"Wow! Dad is so cool!" Shinji eyes were sparkling with amazement, jumping up and down with excitement.

"After everything was done and dusted," Hana continued, "he talked to me and asked me if i was okay. He was looking for a place to stay so i told him he could stay at my place and gave him some food. After that, we started dating, and then we got married and had you."

"Mom! Next time when I'm older, I'm gonna become a hero and protect you like Dad!"

"Alright, goodnight, my little sapling," 

"Goodnight, Mom......"Shinji drifted to sleep peacefully.

Little did he know, what would happen when his dad came back......

I'm so proud! First chapter done! ~(0w0)~


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