Second Meeting

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This chapter will be written in a different way. UwU


*back to [Yu Takeyama's past]at end of chapter* 

Yu: Hey, Shinji! That you?

Shinji: Yu? What are you doing here?

Y: My grandma lives here, i visit with my family during holidays! These are my cousins, Mitsuka and Katsuki

Mitsuka: Nice to meet you, Yu's boyfriend😊😏

Katsuki (is 4 yrs old): Cousin Yu has a boyfriend? 😏

Y: No! He's not my boyfriend! 🙄 (//////)

S: (//////)

Y: I just...met him last year! 

M: aw... what a pity... 😔

K: sadgness 😔

Y: Ignore them, Shinji. Anyway, are you gonna move soon?

S: Oh yeah! We're leaving next month! I got in to Shiketsu High school! I fought back my dad and he left the town.

Y: Wait, you want to be a hero too? 

S: Yeah, ever since i was young.


Y+M: Guess that's our queue, gotta go!

M: It was nice meeting you!

K: Yeah, Cousin Yu's boyfriend 😏

Y: *smacks Katsuki on the head*  Shut up Katsushit! *turns to Shinji* It was nice seeing you again! (//////) 

S: Yeah, Bye! (//////)

On the way to dinner:

K (imitates Yu): OOooooOOOOooo! I'm Yu! I love you Shinji!

Y: clever little shit. *starts chasing Katsuki*

K: Aaaah help! Get your hands off me bitch! Stop! *runs*

Y: Not until you learn your manners, KATSUSHIT!

M: 🤣  

The mountain and the tree (Mount Lady x Kamui Woods)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz