First Meeting

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One day, Shinji had gotten a good beating and was hiding, crying behind a bush.  (pls note that he is 9, ok on with the story)

"Are you okay?" a sweet voice asked. The scared Shinji immediately looked up, wiping away his tears, afraid it was his mother, but looking at him was a pretty ash-blonde girl, most likely younger than himself, with concerned face. 

"Y-yeah..." Shinji replied, mesmerised by by her beauty. 

"Then...why are you crying?" She asked, sitting down next to him,  "did you fall down?" Shinji was at a loss of words.

"Oh...uh...yeah, I just fell down," Shinji lied, "I'm A-Okay!" He plastered a weak grin on his face. 

Shinji didn't know whether to tell her or not. On one hand, he had never seen her before, and he did not know if she was trustworthy and she might leak the information. But on the other hand, if she was someone he could trust, it would be good to let someone know. 

Yu looked at him. She sensed something was off. The older boy was badly bruised on the face, along with bandages on his limbs. His face was covered in scratches, and he was clutching his stamach. He couldn't have been hurt that bad while falling down. He looked as if he had gotten beaten, really. 

"You really don't look okay. Did something happen? It's ok, you can tell me," said Yu, as if she read his mind, "I won't tell anyone. I promise!" 

"Um...It' dad... h-he started to beat me, and shout at me..." Shinji managed to mumble out, tears falling little by little from his face, "and he said t-that i-if I tell my mom, he'll hurt her,"

Yu said, "if your Dad beats you, why don't you just tell your Mum and then leave with her to the city and buy a house? Then, no one would get hurt!"

"I would, but my family is poor, we barely afford any luxuries, let alone a house!" Shinji said, tears now actually streaming down his face. 

"Then, why dont you attend a boarding school or something? if you can attend a boarding school, you can live somewhere else. All you need is to study hard, to get a scholarship so you dont need to pay for school!" Yu suggested. 

"Then, just save money until I can move!" Shinji completed her thought. He had stopped crying now.  

Yu replied, " Exactly!" She turned and stood up to leave. 

 "Thanks a lot... What's your name?" Shinji looked at her when he had asked the question and felt heat rush into his face. When had that girl looked so cute?

"I'm Yu Takeyama, what's your name?"

"I'm Shinji Nishiya!" Shinji grinned, rubbing the back of his head. Thank god Yu didn't see his red face. 

"I'll see you around then!" Yu smiled and ran back to the park, to look for Mitsuka and Katsuki while hiding her blushing face.

"Yeah, Bye!" Shinji waved his hands. "Cute..." he whispered under his breath once she was out of sight. 

The mountain and the tree (Mount Lady x Kamui Woods)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang