Chapter 2: A new lucky start

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He saw a Sparkeater, He screamed loudly as he bolted out the house as it chased him, wanting his spark as it wanted to feast on another spark, Prowl was lucky Backup came and able to kill that thing, Prowl stayed on the ground. He looks at the others with wide optics

"Shut down this area now. We must r-report that thing!  To the Council. I will deal with the sparkling and stuff that situation"

  He demanded, towards them, they nodded, one of them took a picture of that thing to give proof, Prowl needed a minute before getting up, He thanked Primus he was saved. after a few minutes he finally got up and left the area, Prowl rubbed his faceplate slowly before getting to the station which wasn't so far from the Apartments

| With Razorwing |

Razorwing was exploring the station with the femme since he got bored of watching things on that datapad, he wanted to sleep and go home at the same time, Razor didn't know what happened or what was there all along, he looks up at the femme who was smiling at him. He smiled back at her with a tired sluggish smile before looking down to what he could see, looking around, he just realized how small he was and giggled at it.

He then sat down, he yawned, it was big long yawn he just had, he then looked up at her and wanted ups, she picked him up, and rubbed his back softly and didn't touch his wings, knowing they are sensitive atleast to touch. Razorwing kept his helm close to her chassis.

His optics felt more heavy, his engines purred softly in repeat before he drifted off into recharge since how tired he was. The  femme went into the main area of the Station where Prowl was waiting for her to come back with the Sparkling, Prowl went up to her.

"The sparkling will need to be adopted out. His Carrier is unknown as of now and his Sire is dead. His home had a sparkeater. So tomorrow, bring him to the Centre so he could live in a much more better life then with that horrible Carrier."

  She nodded, she looked at Razorwing who was sleeping, she then looks at Prowl

"Uhm suggestion sir? Why not now? Cause we do not have spots here for a Sparkling or really anything to sleep here overnight other then the criminals?"

"Huh. Never thought of that, possibly because my spark almost got blown out by that thing but.. Yeah. Do that, just make sure you get there safely."

"You know me Prowl I won't get into trouble heh! Well you should take a break then work after that. Besides you really need it"

She then walked out the station with the sparkling, Prowl got confused, before she did, he said something in response

"What was that supposed to mean?!"

  He only heard a silent chuckle from her, She had to walk with the sparkling, hopefully to not wake him, the cars and trucks running by were loud enough to disturb his sleep, She looks down once hearing a tiny whimper, She sighed. After awhile Razor was awake and saw a big building, he got excited thinking it was a daycare, She given Razorwing to the Mech who worked there, He watched her wave goodbye to him.

he grunted slightly as he attempted to move and reach out to her, He was brought into a room with sleeping Sparklings, there was only 2 of them since a lot of them are mostly adopted out, he was placed in a crib, he didn't like the feeling of this one and refused to sleep and started to pout at the worker only to make him chuckle at this. He poked his nose, Razorwing winched back from this

"You are one stubborn Sparkling heh. Aren't you Razorwing? Please sleep, you have a big day tomorrow yknow? Daycare and stuff? I bet you have a friend waiting for you there heh"

  Razorwing looks at him, he reached out for him, the  Mech put his servo next to Razor. He just grabbed two of his digits and just clenched onto it before giggling. The Mech only smiled softly, he stayed with the sparkling until he fallen asleep, which Razorwing did, he got too excited and he fallen asleep

"Goodnight. Have wonderful dreams, don't let the Scraplets bite"

  He said as he covered him up before leaving the room, The femme working there was not so happy how much affection he shows every Sparkling, youngling and youngsters that comes by into the adoption centre or leaving it, The two tends to argue about it, The Mechs mood changed as he rolled his optics and went back to the front desk while she went to the kitchen to cook food for all of them in the morning.

It was very early in the morning, she woken up many of the older ones to go eat, she lets the Sparklings to sleep more since they needed it to grow, Razorwing was having a dream, but he woken up, he started to cry for no reason, he caused one of the other Sparklings to wake up and cry too, the Mech luckily was the one who came over to them, picking both of them up

"Hey heyy.. shhh! Please calm down, you two are fine.. don't wake up him please, shhh"

  He said as he kept them close, one of them calmed down, Razor wasn't that calmed down, he and the other Sparkling went to the kitchen area and put them into high chairs, Razorwing soon calmed down, he looks at the other sparkling who was also looking at him. The mech came over to the two, given the other one his bottle first before Razor's. He was happy now and felt a bit more better, the mech quickly went back to the room, seeing the third one was awake, so he fed them breakfast

"After this, all three of you need baths before you get to daycare heh"

He said to them as they all were eating, Razorwing was taking his time just like with the others, His wings fluttered. After getting ready, The femme had to drop them off, Razorwing went to a different daycare so he was dropped off last, he didn't care, he just wanted to see Dreadlock, once at the daycare, the attendant brought him into the same room yesterday to play all day and have snacks and more. He saw Dreadlock, and Dread came over to greet him, they started to have very fun conversation and many other things, Razorwing finally learnt how to hug someone cause of Dreadlock, Razor felt very happy being good friends now with the older sparkling, it was noon and a lot of Sparklings were being picked up, and Razorwing was one of them, he waved goodbye to Dreadlock and Dreadlock waved back and went to go play with other Sparklings, Razorwing was a lucky sparkling to get someone to be his new family, and he would have a sister which he never had before since he was a only sparkling in his old household, he saw his new adopted parents, hearing them chat and discuss things with the attendants, Razorwing looks at the new sire he will have, He was fascinated by his optics, he only had one and it was a very pretty baby blue colour, his new carrier had two which are normal optics, she had red optics, his new sister was excited to have a little brother, she went up to him and attempted to pick him up, Razorwing got confused but giggled happily, he felt playful and happy, already liking his newest family, the carrier picked him up, her name was Dagger and the Sire was Red Cross, Razor was a very good listener to their names and felt happy about it, He hugged her while they were on there way home, with one happy sparkling and one very young youngling...

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