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Top: Hyunjin
Bottom: Felix
Warning- Light smut, grinding, Ahego face

"I had no idea you were that hungry for me." Hyunjin muttered something.
Felix whimpers, "P-Please j-just f-fuck me already."
"Be patient, little one; I'm just getting started," Hyunjin grumbled.

As he pressed their lips together, he stated the kiss was messy but full of love and passion. It was something that both of the males desired.
Felix was overjoyed that his wish had come true. Felix was feeling horny and yearning for some physical contact. He couldn't stand the emptiness of longing; he needed Hyunjin inside him.

"Come on, Hyunjin, why are you always making fun of me?! Felix whimpered after Hyunjin whacked him on the back of the head. "You must be patient, slut, or you will not receive what you desire." Hyunjin tore their clothing off. Hyunjin

I've always imagined your legs around my waist."

With a grin on his face, he said. Hyunjin was gliding his hips toward Felix as Felix began to move on the older. Hyunjin soon began to travel at an erratic rate. "OMG, you're going far too fast, but it feels great."

Felix started making the ahego look since he was so happy with what he was getting that he had been waiting for it. "OMG, I'm about to cum HYUNJIN!"
"Baby boy, come for mommy."

A/n: Sorry for the short smut I was lazy but hey at least you have a story.

Anyways don't forget to stream oddinary.

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