Josh x Anthony

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Anthony's POV
I was sprawled across my bed staring at the ceiling. I was so bored. I was home alone for about 2 hours now and I felt kind of hurt that the guys didn't invite me with them. I have gotten used to it though. I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. As I pouring the milk in, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I jumped and spilled milk all over the counter. "Woah calm down" Josh said as he laughed at what just happened. "Dude you cant go sneaking up on people like that. I thought I was home alone" I grumbled as I reached for the paper towels. He just kept laughing. " 's not funny ya know" I said walking towards the trash can. "You're right. It's hilarious" Josh said smirking. I shoved his shoulder. I took a bite of my cereal, waiting for him to say something. He didn't so I spoke up instead. "Wanna watch a movie or something? I've been pretty bored and watching it with someone else is better than watching one alone" I said with a mouthful of cereal. He nods and just walks out. Weird.

      I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink. I'll wash it later I thought. As I enter the main room, I see Josh with a ton of pillows and blankets. He looks up at me and tosses a blanket in my direction. I take it in my hands and walk over to the end of the couch. I sit down and pull my legs up so I'm in a ball type position. I put the blanket over me and trying and get comfortable. Josh notices me twisting and turning and just pulls me into his side. I let out a yelp, frightened from the sudden movement. He chuckles and puts his arm over my shoulder. I got to admit that I didn't mind this at all. I mean now that I really take it in, Josh is hot. As he scrolls through Netflix, he catches me staring and winks at me. My ears turn a light shade of pink. I look forward at the screen. He puts on Grown Ups. "You're really cute Ant" he said out of nowhere. "What? Me? Yo-you're talking about me?" the words getting caught on my tongue. "Well duh who else would I be talking to?" he said turning to face me. I shrugged, unable to form words at the moment . He looked down at me intensely. I stare back taking in his beautiful features. He then leans in and his lips connected with mine. Then I hear keys in the door and a bunch of conversations behind the front door. I go to pull away but Josh grabs the collar of my shirt and keeps me on his lips. I can see out of the corner of my eye that the boys stopped and stared. Josh let go of my shirt and his lips left mine. "Hey guys" he said, waving at them. They all look at us, and then at each other. I couldn't take the silence so I stood up and walked to my room. I don't know why but I felt like crying. I heard a knock and assumed it was Josh, so I let them in. It was not Josh. It was Griffin

"Hey man. Just wanted to say that no one really cares if you and Josh are together." he said softly leaning against the door. "Then why'd you guys just look at us. You didn't say anything. You guys just stood there." I said, kind of confused. "I know I know but think of from our viewpoint. We walk in and see two of our best friends kissing. It was a shock to everyone. I promise you though, nobody cares." He said as he walked towards me. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me. If there's one thing Griffin can do, it's comforting someone. Just then, someone else walked into the room. It was Josh. "Hey Ant. Im really sorry about that. I should've let go when they were coming in. I didn't mean to embarrass you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Griffin let me go and walked out. Before he left to go downstairs, he gave me a smile. "It's okay Josh. It was just scary how they were all silent staring at us you know. I didn't want them to be mad." I said getting of my bed. Josh's face flooded with relief. He walked over and hugged me. He wrapped his arms around me waist and dug his face into my chest. I smiled slightly and kissed the top of his head.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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