Simply One HELL of an Information Broker...

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Izaya stared at me after what I had told him about Sakura.

"How do you know all this?" He asked after a few moments.

"Magic," I shrugged. "Not really, they have a website. But then again, that doesn't have everything either. Now for your price, you have to go out dressed in this. I'll have some speakers set up with what you're supposed to dance to. Stand in the middle of the town square and wait for a lot of people to be looking at you weirdly, then I'll start the music! And don't worry, I'll keep Shizuo off your back!"

"Why did I agree to this?" Izaya sighed.

"Because you wanted information! Info brokers have to do anything for information," I said. He sighed again.
"Goddammit," He muttered. "I hate you so much, you know that?" I grinned. Of course I knew that, that's why I do everything I do! He didn't like it much when I replied with that though. I got kicked out. Quite literally! I shrugged and pulled out my trusty handheld video gaming system before I started walking. I hummed to myself quietly as I walked, nearing an older part of the city where temples were still built. Some were destroyed though, more of the older ones than the newer ones. I thought I saw someone in one of the destroyed older temples then saw the black jacket. Oh it's just Sakura, I thought, Probably planning reconstructing that temple for her. Yup, she has a god-complex alright. I continued walking until I was grabbed from behind.
"I normally save this for the third date, but if I knew who you were I could change that!" I said immediately.
"Shut up," the person behind me growled before placing a very familiar smelling rag over my mouth and nose.
"Shit..." I muttered before the chloroform did its job. Everything went black.

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