Chapter 1:

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A/N:(The animatronics are not robots they're furries)

It was a perfect day at the Mega Pizza Plex, three years since the grand opening and the anniversary of Glamrock Bonnie and (Y/N). It was an exciting event for both of them and every furry gathered to celebrate, but (Y/N) would see her unexpected encounter.


Day 1

5 days before the anniversary:

(Y/N): "Bonnie, I'm gonna need two large pepperoni pizzas to go please!"

Bonnie: "On it!"


(Y/N): "We need ten more party hats for room A."


Bonnie: "(Y/N), have you seen my guitar? I can't seem to find it!"

(Y/N): " You're holding it!"

Bonnie: "Nevermind!"


Before Bonnie and (Y/N) dated, she was a freshman in college, not a great life for her since she has trouble raising money to pay off her education, the part-time job she was working at was not great, there's nothing wrong with the place; nice co-workers that's like a second family, clean place, funny/awesome manager; a dream that a worker could have. The only problem was money. The place she worked at had low-paychecks for the reason being that the business was not popular as it used to be back then. Completely stressed out of her mind she went to the Mega Pizza Plex to help her relax from ever thinking about anything related to college or work, and thank the lord her homework was not due until two weeks later. That's where she meets Bonnie.

She remembers exactly how she and Bonnie met.

+ Flashback +

(Y/N)'s POV:

(Y/N): 'Fuck! This fucking college funds are ass, I'll be done paying their funds when I pass from old age by then!'

I mentally screamed and started to feel frustrated by the passing minutes.

(Y/N): 'I'll just figure things out for now, I deserve a nice, hot and fresh pizza.'

I went up to the cashier and ordered what I wanted, got my number stand and took a seat at a table right next to the window. I took out my phone and started scrolling on Tik Tok while I waited for my food to arrive.


(???): "Here you go ma'am, [insert the size and choice of pizza and drink choice] for Table #18."

I look up at the Dollar Tree Easter bunny.

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Something about him got my attention, I don't know if it was the way he spoke to me or the way he looked at me. The thing was that we stared at each other for some solid minutes until another furry called him.

(??): " Hey Bunny boy, we have another order, get on the game!"

(???): " Ah yeah, sorry about that. I'll go right away, hope you enjoy your pizza ma'am."

I watch the Easter bunny rush out to get the orders, leaving me to stare.

(Y/N): 'Damn, guess I'm a furry now.'


+Two months later+

I slammed the door closed of my shared apartment and quietly sat on the sofa, sulking.

(Y/N): 'I'll just rest for a few hours, I'm tired of having a shitty day today.'

As soon as I closed my eyes for a few minutes, I heard the door open and closed.

I didn't even bother to open my eyes, I already know my roommate's back.

(???): "What are you home early, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

(Y/N): "I got fired Vanessa, all of my co-workers did, the place I work at.....shutdown. This is the last and final paycheck the manager has given us. And now I'm gonna be broke soon."

Hearing the keys set on the counter and hearing close footsteps, I opened my eyes and glanced at Vanessa already seated right next to me, her hand gently soothing my back.

Vanessa: "Why don't you work at my place then."

(Y/N): 'Am I hearing that right!? That soon?!'

Vanessa: "I know this is sudden, but think about it, it's get a job or be a sad broke bitch hours later."


(Y/N): "Fuck it, I'm in."

How bad can it possibly be?




I was deadass wrong.

I was put in the section of the bowling alley where I had to babysit infants in a separate room, apparently I was told I was going to have a partner to assist me with. My first partner was the worst and complicated my day because he was giving a weird explanation of what I was supposed to do. Then suddenly the manager changed my partner to the dude that I met before.

So here we are, the Easter bunny and I, in a room alone, with infants while a soft melody from a music box is playing.

(???): "I believe we haven't introduced ourselves." He said while carrying a sleeping infant in one hand, while the other he outstretched to shake my hand.

(???): "Names Bonnie the Bunny."

(Y/N): " (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)." I said while I took his hand and gave it a gentle handshake as we both smiled and stared at each other.

All I gotta say was, Bonnie has the most beautiful red eyes.

+End of flashback+

Bonnie: "Hey (Y/N), are you okay?"

I was brought back to the present as I stared at his crimson eyes dazed and his ears twitched waiting for a response.

(Y/N): "Yeah sorry, I spaced out for a bit."

I gave him a big smile as I reached out my arms to hug him. He was surprised by my sudden action but didn't hesitate to hug me back. He was big, soft, fluffy, and warm which I've become so used to for the past 3 years.

(???): "Sorry to ruin your lovey dovey time, but we have a full ass family coming in and we need backup."

I turned my face out of the warmth of Bonnie's chest to see Chica standing in the door entry of the Staff Only room. She sure has an attitude today, but better fix it before I do it for her.

(Y/N): "Can't you see we're on break? Or are you blind? I mean chickens aren't that smart, but should have at least 2 or 3 brain cells."

Chica was about to say something, but Bonnie beat her to it. He put his big hand on my cheek and moved it so I was now directly facing him, giving me a gentle gaze as if telling me to calm down which I kinda did. He turned to look at Chica giving her his charming smile.

Bonnie: "Chica, we'll be right there to help out."

She stood there for some minutes until she finally moved her chicken legs to leave. I turned my body away from Bonnie so I could get myself ready to work, but turned me over and pulled me closer to lay a kiss on my forehead.

Bonnie: "That frown is going to ruin that beautiful face (Y/N), don't mind her."

I looked up at him wondering where his composure and patience came from, but we are different after all. I broke the closeness of our bodys and walked to the door ready to give it my best while Bonnie stayed frozen in his spot watching me. His crimson eyes flared a burning fire, but I chose to ignore it.

(Y/N): "Are you coming or what? We gotta show we're the best pizza place out there, Bon."

His nose twitched as if being pulled back to reality by the name and smirked, taking it as a challenge. He got his guitar, put it over his head, set it on his chest and walked towards me.

Bonnie: " Yeah, I'm more than ready."

We headed out the door to the giggling of children and chatter of adults.

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