Chapter 2:

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(Smut warning when reading, contains BDSM)

Bonnie’s POV:

Once again, the performance was a success, Freddy, Chica, Roxy, Monty and I bowed our heads to the audience one last time and headed to their our breach rooms to rest. 

I went to my “breach room” to take a rest, but my door burst open showing the last furry I wanted to see today. I was tired of the constant arguments with Monty’s tantrum lil shit. 

Monty: "Ey Bunny Boy, the strings from your guitar were untoned that made the beat sound rachit like you. That’s fine tho since it proves that I’m better than you."

Those unnecessary comments made my blood boil, but I tried my best to keep tranquil as he cursed me and my talent. I needed to hurry up and get ready so I could meet (Y/N) so we could have our date. 

Bonnie: “ Look you narcissist fuck. If I get there late to my date with (Y/N), I’ll make you regret being an amphibian and next time knock on my door before bursting in.”

Monty: “ Three years ago she only dated you because she pitted you, you dumb fuck.”

Bonnie: “ You really think so? I mean she hasn’t once complained about being by my side and made sure to satisfy every part of her body.”

Monty: “I bet you she’s keeping secrets from you, she probably was desperate for small dicks like you. (Y/N)’s a slut who would do anything for money. Horny bitch in heat.”

Before I could say anything else, (Y/N) walked in and heard what Monty said. Monty looked at (Y/N) and his face dropped of regret, but quickly changed to his ‘I don’t give a fuck’ face. (Y/N) looked at him with rage at what he was saying behind her back. Monty turned to walk away passing (Y/N) and purposely bumped her shoulder.

Monty: “ Tsk, bitch.”  He whispered and started to walk away.

My ear twitched hearing what he said and was about to kung fu his ass, but (Y/N) beat me to it. As expected from (Y/N), she doesn't take shit from no one which is one of the qualities I love about her.  

(Y/N): “ Next time you have something to say Monty make sure to say it to my face before walking away like a coward.” 

Monty stopped on his track, turned, and towered over (Y/N) while she tilted her head up to face him without a single glimpse of fear.

Monty: “Did you just call me a coward, little girl?  Do you know what I can do with you in a split of a second?"

(Y/N): "Oh really, so what you doubled face bitch. I would like to see you try."

Monty's scarlet eyes started to glow a little, seeming he was fighting his instinct that was trying to take control. I realized it on time and decided to interfere before Monty could hurt (Y/N). Monty was about to grab (Y/N), but I got in the way before he could.

Bonnie: " That's enough Monty, you should leave before we both submit to our instincts and regret it." 

Monty's scarlet eyes turned to normal, looked at me then at (Y/N) and left the room as fast as he could. Whispering something along the way, but I couldn't make out the words since they sounded like a grumble.

I hugged (Y/N) for a few minutes, grabbed her shoulders and looked at her. 

Bonnie: "(Y/N), you had me scared for a second. Monty would have hurt you or worse killed you if I hadn't stepped in to save your sorry ass-"

I was cut off when (Y/N) gave me a small peck on the nose while gently grabbing my face and gave it a squeeze.

(Y/N): "But you're here to protect me and I am here to protect you as well, besides my parents never raised a bitch."

Love at First BiteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz