ch. 1: really?

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it was a nice and beautiful day in tokyo. not too hot and not too cold. there was a nice breeze as the sun was beaming down to the ground.

at the gates of aihara academy stood mei aihara with her clipboard and red sleeve. 5 minutes away from the school was yuzu okogi grabbing her skateboard, and coming in hot on her first day.

geez can this school actually be a good one? i don't wanna get expelled for doing a big spin on a 5 stair. yuzu thought.

mei was not happy. it was going to be a long year. especially since it's her last year in high school.

minutes later you could hear yuzus skateboard from her bombing the hill that was by the school. as she got closer she started doing some tricks. first she did an ollie, then a shuv it, then a kick flip. she was debating weather or not she should do a trey flip but she's been struggling on that trick. as she got closer to the gates she leaned on the back of her tail (back of the skateboard) to come to a stop.

"name and grade please." a cold voice demanded.

"yuzu okogi, grade 12."

mei looks at her clipboard then looks back at yuzu. it may have been from what she was wearing. she had the white button up but with the 3 top buttons unbuttoned, her black tie really loose, her green blazer unbuttoned, and part of her skirt was ripped.

"hm well i'm going to have to confiscate your object in your hand." the raven said.

yuzu gave a confused look. "huh? my skateboard?"

mei sighed. "yes."

"no. definitely not. man you must be a comedian because you have me laughing hard." yuzu said as she was walking through the gates.

mei pivoted quickly and grabbed yuzus wrist. she looked down at her hands to see that she was wearing silver rings.

"you're breaking dress code. now give me your skateboard." her cold voice just made yuzu look at her with a serious face. she swiped away her arm and put her board down and rolled it to mei.

"take care of it." yuzu walked away.

mei sighed and grabbed it. luckily momokino was around and mei gave the board to her, then she went back to her work.


it was almost the end of 2nd period and yuzu decided to go to the "bathroom". going to the elevator the goes up one story and finds her self wondering around the 3rd story. she puts in her air pod and starts listening to her own music. as yuzu was wondering she found a sign next to a big door that said student council. curious, yuzu opens the door and walks inside. it looked like no one was in there so she went in.

"yo!" she called out. no one answered.

tiptoeing her way through the room she finds an interesting closet and opens it.

"my board!" she says to herself.

she grabs it then tries and be quiet so she can get out of the room. she looked around and there were no teachers or red armbands to be found. yuzu goes to the elevator and waits patiently to go to the 1st floor. when the door opens yuzu drags her board then gets on it she rolls around and finds some nice benches with nice ledge's.

yuzu starts doing tricks on them and some classes canes to see what was happening. the teachers didn't know so they didn't do anything. by the time every class came out yuzu was amazed and happy about all the people watching what she does. that was until mei was there. right beside her was momokino.

yuzu power slid in front of the council members.

"like what i did there mamas?" she winked at mei.

mei kept her composure and left her face ice cold. "no." she said bluntly.

yuzu chuckled. "yea you didddd." she teased mei.

momokino walked up to yuzu and kicked her in the stomach to knock her off her board. the whole school saw that.

"if you're going to do such reckless things then why have this?" she questioned.

yuzu quickly got up and grabbed momokinos collar picking her up slightly off the ground with one hand.

"kick me like that again and i'll make sure you won't breathe ." yuzu whispered in momokinos ear.

she threw momokino then looked at mei.

"what." she said sternly.

"it isn't nice to talk like that to others." mei said with her arms crossed.

"did u not see her kick me? or do you just like being an asshole?"

mei scoffed. "please, you of all people is the one being that way."

yuzu didn't like the words that just came out of meis mouth.

she rolls her eyes. "ohh i see," she walks over to mei, grabs her waist and gets a gasp out of mei. then she leans in close by her ear. "you like following the rules huh?" yuzu said seductively in meis ears.

meis cheeks turn red. she was too flustered to do anything. she felt yuzus hand go off her hip slowly then a shiver went up her spine.

what did she just do?

yuzu looked back. "i'm taking that as a yes."

she grabs her board and skates out of the school. mei is still frozen processing what just happened. muffled she heard momokino shout to everyone to get to their classes. mei felt like the world was spinning around her. she finally focuses back in and wipes her skirt.

"mei." a stern voice calls out.

she looks up frightened. it was the chairman alright. his piercing eyes beamed on mei. causing a feeling of shock and fear. she puts her head down and goes in the elevator to go up to the very top. elegantly, she walks out and to her grandfather.

"how may i be in your assistance?" she asks.

the chairman grabs her by the neck. "why did that just happen? you know how this school is supposed to be ran."

"yes...i..know.." mei says, gasping for air.

"yooo!" a voice calls out from the first floor.

mei looked over as much as she could from the chairman's grip on her neck.

"the fuck you choking her for? bout to run your shit up!" yuzu yelled.

the chair man let go of mei then walked down.

"dubs." yuzu smirked.

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