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Alfred was entering the meeting room when he saw 3 flower pots with different flowers. One filled with Peonies that were red, blue and white like his flag. The other one was filled with Jamaica Flowers and some tropical leaves that one was the prettiest. California needed those since he was in the hospital. The last one was filled with sunflowers. He knew exactly who put this flowers in here. He walked close and smelled the flowers. Francis saw the small garden that he had.

"Amerique you seen to have secret admirers~"

"I do, and I don't know who they are but thank you for this pretty flowers"

Mexico (Juan), Russia (Ivan) and China (Yao) looked up seeing Alfred with a loving face towards the flowers. Specially the Jamaica ones. Juan looked at them with a winning face.

"I'm going to put these in the floor, they're pretty, but I need to work"

"Gringo! Me dejas ver a California en la tarde? Me contaron que está en el hospital"

Ivan and Yao were filled with jelousy

"Oh, sure taco! Are you going to give him flowers?"

"Si, siento que las necesita"

"Yeah.. he misses you, and I don't want to see our son like that.. just visit him when you want yes? I don't care what my boss says"

"Uhhh la Gordis desobedeciendo órdenes, Claro gringo yo visito a nuestro chamaco"

"Thanks Taco"

Alfred and Juan start talking. Ivan decides to join since he had Alaska with Alfred. Yao didn't have a state, but he did have a treaty with Alfred. He wasn't going to join Alfred's conversation, since he was busy talking with Kiku about something for Alfred.

"Kiku, what does Alfred like aru?"

"He usually likes McDonalds, and Jamaica flowers for a reason, but he just loves the details of any gift, he's loves animals so a date in a zoo will be perfect"

Yao takes notes of what Kiku said

"Thanks Kiku aru"

"You're welcome"

Alfred smiles at Yao and then the meeting starts

Roses are not the only flowers that exist

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