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Levi couldn't have been more obvious that he was avoiding Eren. He was in and out of his apartment so fast there was nothing but scorched ground left behind. There were quick waves as the elevator closed, eyes to the floor, nothing but silence.

It was just a kiss. Well, two kisses. Eren wanted to laugh it off and put himself back into his lane, but it stung. The silence started to creep under his skin, and after three or four nights, the loneliness scraped at the back of his head, and his body felt dull and ugly.

That night he went to a bar across town with Jean and Connie and brought home a woman with dyed black hair and piercings in every fold of her body. Small and fierce, she reminded him enough of Levi to keep him interested, but different enough not to distract him too much.

He pressed her soft hips into the bed and buried his face in her fragrant softness, devouring her to the sound of her whimpers and soft moans. By the time she lay limp in his arms, he could finally hear the music playing loud next door.

In spite of himself, he smirked as he ran a warm washcloth gently between her thighs. Thinking he smiled for her, she pulled him down to her chest and kissed him deeply. He closed his eyes and let her tongue push and pull him into forgetting. As she moved down over his chest, licking a flaming path, she murmured, "Damn, does he always play his music so loud?"

"Mmmm," he hummed as she pushed her hand up the underside of his cock. "At least it's good...ahhh," he let the air escape him.

She giggled and sucked in the tip. "You taste so fucking good, baby," shoving him into the back of her throat, she moaned, causing him to tip his head back and cry out. "You're so beautiful," she said. "I could suck you off all night."

It had been more than a couple of weeks since anyone's mouth had been on him. He swam in the warmth and the feeling of being embraced by strong hands and sweet words. Eren's back came off of the bed as he filled her mouth with his longing. They used the same cloth to clean him up too, and although he knew she would happily stay the night, once the lust ran from his veins, the cold seeped back in. He wanted to be alone, because loneliness in the arms of the wrong someone is worse than an empty room.

He walked her down to the car. When the elevator door opened, and he stepped into the hallway, he caught the last moment of Levi's door closing. Frowning, he walked the rest of the way, opened his door and settled in for the darkness.

He went to the GuitarBar on Saturday night with Armin, and although it was impossible to not be drawn to Levi's body and his fingers of skill, he avoided any eye contact. It was just so uncomfortable. Armin shimmied and shook beneath Erwin, whooping and hollering. And for the first time, they kissed in front of everyone before the show.

Eren felt happiness float up for his best friend. The most unlikely couple made good. They were adorable together, and everyone showed their excitement, except Levi, who was as impassive as ever.

Armin turned to him and asked, "You coming to the warehouse party on Sunday? Belles said she was going to ask you."

Eren frowned and pulled his eyes away from Levi changing shirts on the stage. It was break time, and the man's back was turned to him, so it was safe to ogle. "She hasn't told me about it yet."

"Oh," the boy responded, winking at Erwin. Well it's at the blue warehouse on Gaspar. Right next to Erwin and Levi's office."

"Mmhmm, I know it." Eren was staring so hard, when Levi turned around and caught him staring, he turned back to Armin too quickly to not be incredibly obvious to everyone in the bar. "Shit."

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