Chapter 6

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"AHHHH!!!!" You turned around to see Yuki on the floor on his knees.

"YUKI!! Calm down! It's not real!" I said trying to calm him down.

You asked Yuki to come out and play with me because he was down...

I hope he'll feel better today...

After you left the haunted house, we thought it was a good idea to rest a bit.

"Yuki! Here's the ice cream!" You smiled as you gave it to him.

"Thanks..." He responded with a short and quiet thanks.

You looked up to the sky and noticed it was getting dark.

"Hey Yuki... Can we do something before we leave?" While grabbing his thin pale arm, you both ran to the ferris-wheel.

While sitting down in one of the
Slots. (I don't know what to call them)

Sitting in front of each other and looking out to see the sun set. Yuki tugged on your shirt.

"[Y/N]... " He said very faintly.

"What's up?" Waiting for his question.

"... I-it's ... Nothing." As he sighed he continued to look at the window where the beautiful red and purple sun set.

"Hohoho!!!" That laugh!!! Don't tell me its...

"Are you enjoying your little date?!?!" Yato popped out of nowhere and stared at us, like he was watching porn.

You and Yuki looked at him in disgust.

"So anyways.. I was thinking if I should vandalize this slot and write my number! What do you guys think?"

"Go die!!!" You and Yuki said as you guys rocked the slot that made Yato fall.

Too bad he didn't die... (Jk!! Yato you perv!!)

You guys fanily got off and found him face flat on the dirty groung with a huge bruise on his forehead.

"Y-you guys are so mean..." Yato said before he passed out.

"You guys!!! Where's Yato?!?!" You turned to see Hiyori running without her body again.

She stepped on Yato not reliasing his presences untill she fanily noticed she stepped on something.

"Oh dang it..." She said as she quickly got off of him.

Yato who was alreading burning with fire stood up and scolded Hiyori.

(Poor girl...)

After all of you guys went home, Yuki smiled and went to sleep.

Next day at school

"[Y/N]!! Sensei is calling you!"

"Okay!! Sorry I can't go home with you Hiyori..."

"It's fine! But you're paying me back!!"


As you got up to leave the classroom, you bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" You quickly bowed.

"Its okay [Y/N]-chan!"


It can't be...





my god yato • noragami  『discontinued』Where stories live. Discover now