Chapter 12

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Your POV

Hiyori has been sleeping a lot for the past few days.

I haven't seen Yato too...

Is something wrong?

"[L/N] can you gather all the notebooks before you go home?" The teacher asked.

"Okay" I gathered the notebooks on everyone's desk.

There was a lot and it was kinda heavy for me to carry.

After taking a few more steps, the notebooks felt light.

"Yo." I looked up and saw Hiro carrying half.

"So... How's the Yato guy doing?" Hiro questioned as we walked to the staff's room.

"I haven't seen him for a while so I actually don't know..."


We walked inside the staff's room and placed the notebooks on the teacher's desk.

We both walked out and went to the classroom.

"So how are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm good. I recently joined the basketball team and its fun." He smiled.

"That's nice." I smiled back.

We entered the classroom and got crushed by Hiro's fans.

"Hiro can you walk me home??"

"Let's go on a after school date!!"

"He's mine back off!!"

I luckily escaped and turned to see Hiro waving at me.

I waved back with a smile and got my bag and left.

Since I had nothing else to do, I went to a nearby park and sat on a bench.

I was listening to music and I notice someone familiar.

It was Yukine. He was playing with a black cat.

I went up to him.

"Hey." I said.

He flinched and looked up to me.

"Oh it's you." I sat beside him.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"I was just thinking about something..." The black cat ran away into nearby bushes.

"You can tell me." I smiled to him.

He looked over to me and gave me a sad smile.

"I was thinking a lot on what you said... And I wanted to say something to you..."

"Which is?"

"I....I like you [Y/N]...." My eyes widened and I turned to Yukine to see him with a bright red face.

I felt a pair of warm arms around me.

I realized that it was Yato from his scent.

I blushed scarlet red and it seems that Yukine also realized that he was here and he stood up.

Yato picked me up bridal style and ran away.

Behind us you can hear Yukine yelling that he won't give up on me.

After we were far away from the park, Yato said something.

"I won't give my girlfriend to anyone else!.." He stated with red cheeks.

I giggled a bit and kissed him on his cheek.

He blushed more and glanced at me.

I smiled as I felt a pair of soft and warm lips onto mine.

Yukine's POV

After Yato carried off  [Y/N] bridal style.

The black cat slowly came out.

I sat down and patted the cat making it purr.

Stupid Yato...

"Yukine!!" I turned to see Hiyori running towards me.

"Hiyori." I mumbled.

"Where were you?? Me and Yato were looking all over for you!!" She panted.


I went back to Kofuku's place with Hiyori.

Daikoku ran towards me giving a bone crushing hug.

Kofuku also hugged me.

I smiled.

I guess it's good to be back.

Your POV

Since it was getting dark, Yato walked me home.

When we got to my house, he quickly gave me a kiss on my lips and quickly ran off.

I giggled and went inside.

"Welcome back!" I hear a voice say.

It was Hiro sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Who let you in?"

"Auntie (your mom but since Hiro is close to you, he calls your mom that.) did but she needed to buy something so she's out." He answered back eyes still on the channel.

I went over to him and sat beside him.

"Did you have basket ball practice today?" I asked.

He answered with a "Yeah." And continued watching.

I stared at the tv for a while.

"You know.. You can just watch this at your house."

"Auntie said that I could come over till she comes back."

"Okay.." I went upstairs to my room and studied.


Sorry for the lame chapter....

It took me a long time because I didn't have wifi for weeks....

But I'll update as soon!!!

Hope you guys have a wonderful day!!



my god yato • noragami  『discontinued』Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt