Uh Oh

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"Endy! I, was uh, uh..."
"Endyll?" Endyll was sitting, half on the floor and half slumped over his bed. His clothes were strewn across the room, as he sat completely naked on the floor. His cock stood like a soldier at attention. His face, beaded in sweat, glistened like a pool in moonlight. His hand was still half around his dick, and it was shyly toying with his head.
Endy looked down, towards where Endyll's hand was.
"Didn't finish, did you?"
"I, uh, ohhh..."
Endy leaned down, staring right into the darting eyes of his roommate. Endyll's eyes were gray, and his pupils were huge.
"Do you want help, whore?"
"Endy... Oh my god, Endy..."
"Words. I need words, beautiful."
"That's sir."
"Sir... Please, unnh, please..."


"Sir, sir, please fuck me, please, god~"
"Awhhhh, that's cute." Endy slipped onto the ground, wrapping his hands around Endyll's waist.
"Tell me if you want to stop. For now, I'm sir or master to you. Does that sound right, sweetheart? <3"
"Anything is- uh, god- anything is right if you'll..."
"If I'll touch you?"
"Ye... yes."
"Yes...? Yes who?" Endy said teasingly, looking around.
"Yes, sir."
"Good boy," Endy said, pulling Endyll's face towards his.

I'm So Crazy For Youuu &lt;/3 by Rebzyyx, 0:10Where stories live. Discover now