Chapter 4: A body has been discovered

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                              Giorno's P.O.V

It's been 3 days since we all agreed to not kill each other well I think that plan backfired on us cuz we now all have a motive to kill, the motive is that if we don't kill anyone in the next 72 hours we will all get slaughtered by the Monobeasts.

"Uh, hey Giorno, you're not planning on killing anyone right?" Monomi asked while running up to me, I didn't answer, turns out Ghiaccio was right she was the one that trapped us here "Giorn-?" "No, Monomi I am not gonna kill anyone..."

I reassured Monomi "Oh, ok.." After she said that she walked away *Monokuma made a hard motive for all of us, but getting slaughtered is a bit better than being in this hellhole..*

I thought while walking into Rocketpunch market and a bit while after bumping into Carne "Oh, I'm sorry." Carne apologized to me "Oh no, don't blame yourself Carne I wasn't looking where I was going." I told him  "Oh ok, say... Why are you going here, Giorno?"

Carne asked narrowing his eyes *He's being suspicious of me, well I couldn't blame him, we're in a situation where if no one dies everyone dies...*

"I'm just getting a few things nothing to worry about." "Right... Well, I'll see you around Giorno."

Carne answered while walking away.

I walked into one of the isles and spotted Narancia grabbing some tools for the plane, "Didn't you say that you didn't know how to fix a plane?" Narancia flinched away from me due to me coming up to him without a warning "What the hell Giorno! *Sigh* I still believe I fix the plane... Well, Fugo told me I could.." Narancia chuckled in response I smiled at him and walked away to get the stuff I needed.

              19 hours later, 52 hours until death

*This is strange, the geography of Jabberwock island is different from the map from the handbook...*

I thought while reading a book about this island, I turned over to the analog clock that was on the dresser 7:46 ...

Suddenly the power to my cabin was shut off leaving me in darkness, I got up from my bed and tried to find a flashlight until I heard a knock on my door, luckily, I found a flashlight and turned it on to illuminate my way to the door.

I slowly opened the door hoping that it's no one there to kill me but I was met with Mista looking a bit bored "Oh, hello Mista, do you need anything?" "Um, no I just wanted to ask if you're power is gone as well."

Mista told me "Actually, yes, my power just went out a few minutes ago." "Well, I already fixed mine so I'm gonna help fix yours."

Before I could answer he grabbed my hand and lead me towards the back of my cabin... Mista stopped walking, "Do you see that, Giorno?" Mista asked while pointing at a silhouette of a person laying down "I don't think we should investigate-."

I told Mista but again he dragged me along with him but then stopped walking and let go of my hand, the moment I turned around I was met with a gruesome scene... Carne was dead, there were multiple stab wounds on his body and Carne's blood smudged on his cabins outside wall

 Carne was dead, there were multiple stab wounds on his body and Carne's blood smudged on his cabins outside wall

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"It can't be..."

I said in disbelief, and after I said that Monokuma appeared on the nearest monitor announcing "Body has been discovered! Now then, after a certain amount of time has passed the class trial will begin!"

45 minutes later (Because I'm to lazy to do an investigation -_-)

After 45 minutes of investigation the class trial is about to start, I stand in an elevator with people that probably can't be trusted due to the fact in the span of three days someone was killed but the worst part is I'm one of the main suspects...

*The thought of being blamed for a murder you didn't do is now my biggest concern at this moment , I just hope I have a good alibi...*

Word count: 687

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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