Chapter 1

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Journal entry #1
I sat there, watching you flirt with her while she blushed and nervously laughed. The way you looked at her with such adoration, so much care made me wish I was in her position. I've always wondered why you never looked at me like that... but then I remembered- you're not gay. That's unfortunate on my end but I've always loved you more as a friend; since middle school. It's really not fair you know. I wish I could turn you back into a stranger.

Haruki finished writing with a sigh; putting his pencil down he got up from his desk, walking over to his night stand. He opened up the drawer that was filled with pictures of him and Konoha " 20 Journal entries." The brunette whispered to himself while picking up one of the pictures; it was a picture of him and Konoha at the amusement park hand in hand posing for the camera. The lights lit up around them making a glow around the two Komi stared at the picture as he tried to vividly remember that day


" Komi come on the line to the ferris wheel is short right now!" Konoha exclaimed while grabbing Komi's hand and pulling him along " Oh come on that's boring! All we do is sit there in a slow ass ride" the brunette argued but never tried to stop the ash blonde from dragging him to the ride " Yet you're still letting me take you over to the ride" Konoha teased and pulled his famous victory grin " Yeah whatever!" Haruki blushed slightly before tripping over something and falling, taking Konoha down with him. Both males fell down, looking at each other in shock before bursting out laughing on the ground.

The sound of their laughter faded out in Komi's mind his vision now clouded with tears he didn't even know were there "Look at me crying over you again, god I'm pathetic." putting the picture back in the drawer and closing it Haruki let out another sigh before getting on his bed and calling it a night

Journal entry #1.

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