Chapter 1 - the beginning

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This where it all begin with you your best friend robaire and you liking him you and robaire have been freinds for a long time and everyone always said that he had a gift of the angles voice you thought it was nice but didn't really care that much about it at all for the matter of fact


Huh where?

I got into this music camp a bunch of stars are going to be there and going to teach us new things about music about intramurments and singing I'm so excited

Robaire hugged you as you was still very very confused but also upset because him and you had plans over the summer and was going to spend a lot of time with him but now those dreams and dream plans are being crushed and forgotten about because your friend had to go on and leave you

But Robaire what about summer our plans our trip

Yeah I thought about those to but this is a opritunity to do something really cool

But what about the creek the tree house Florida the swing the medow and the sunset can't forget the sunrise to

Yeah I Know but I don't think I'll be gone that long I hope

You hope

Robaire hugs you one that time before leaving to his home wishing you a good summer and that he will write you everyday

Everyday my ass

You say as you slam your locker Robaire left when the both of you were in the sixth grade going on seventh now your in eleventh grade aka a shopmore at first he wrote you letters and told about what he was learning them you received a letter with a post card picture of him in Florida you got so mad you ripped the picture up and took every photo, bracelet and letter that he wrote you and shoved it in a box that you had in the very top of your closet you cried and didn't come out of your room you spent that whole summer haunted by the memories the feeling or Robaire being there and then not being there haunted by the ghost of him thinking about you it pissed you off making you kick your locker in anger

Woah L/n (last name) you good their bro

Yeah I'm just fine

Thinking about Robaire again


She gave you a look that gave you signal that's she new you was and that she's calling you out on your bullshit

Ugh fine yes

I knew it

Mia was your best friend after best friend Robaire lied to you and backstabbed you she was any greater comfort than anyone else could be or that's what you thought you was only 13 now 15 thinking she still is a great comfort mia placed her arm around your shoulders as you guys went to your second class

Come on hoe we have to go Mr white is going to crap his pants if we show up late

Oh damn your right let's hurry

You and mia run to your science teachers class getting the door shut in your face banging on the door for someone to let you in and when it opened it was mr white

You two stay right there

Mr white made you and mia stay at the door way till the tardy bell rang and then let you in

Mr Y/n and Ms mia you are late sign this sheet you know if your late again tomorrow that's detention

That's so unfair Mr white

Yeah very

I don't make the rules

You kinda do at least for your classroom that is

Whatever sign the sheet and move on

You and mia sign the tardy sheet as you take the seats in the far back so you can talk to each other sleep during class and text each other stuff you can't say out loud with that being mia sends you a message on your phone

Y/n omg what's up his ass°

Literally I don't know°
But clearly it's still there lol°

But like why is it always in there°

Maybe he like is a massocist or something°



Then again you could be right OOOOOO WHAT IF HES ALSO AS SADIST°







you and mia spent the whole Time in class just joking and talk about everyone texting so you wouldn't get caught and so you wouldn't be heard by everyone else then the bell rang for lunch as you and mia was leaving she stopped you


you look over as you noticed mias crush was coming over her name was Ally and a smart nice girl personally she looked like all the basic bitches in your opinion but she was really helpful and was a cheerleader you hold mia behind you back as you waved and said hey to ally when she walked away you gave mia the signal to come out from behind you

Thanks y/n you always have my back

No problem you had mine back so I'll have yours but how are you going to get with her if you keep hiding from her mia

Uhhhh I don't know to be honest like I wish she would get with me but almost all the guys are thirsting over her so her and lining up but hey wanna go to the game today it's the last football game of the season

Sure why not we get to see your girlfriend there anyways

Stop it

Mia pushed you as her face gets embarrassed you placed your arms around her hugging her and having one around her while you walked to your lockers placing up stuff and getting stuff for you next class you and mia said your goodbyes because you don't have the same 3rd period together sitting down you fell asleep

End of chapter 1 - the beginning
Basic cringe title ikr Hope this one gets as popular as my other turning red fan fic

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