Chapter 10 - leaving with you

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Sorry for the delay guys it literally makes me wanna die anyways

Riding on the way to concert your mom was trying to talk to you but you kept the conversations short easy and simple she got the hint and started talking to mia after they stopped talking mia fell asleep and so did you your mom woke the both of you up when she stopped at a pizza place and you guys ate and then left to go back in the car it was silent then you wondered what it would be like when you see Robiare ah fuck it he left you long time ago anyways

Hey y/n we're here

Oh shit really how could you tell

Uhhhh cuz there's people out their dummy

Danm my bad let's get out

Now you two have your phones

Yes mom

Yes ma'am

Alright call me when the concert is over or if you decide to leave early

We got it

Of course

Well see you guys later


You know y/n


You was kinda acting like a asshole back there to your mom

Was I wasn't

Just a little

How bruh

Like you didn't really talk to her and you were ready for her to let us go

I don't know seems normal behavior to me

Are you still pissed about what she said

I don't know

You don't know


Y/n are you sure your not pissed

Mia I don't know if I'ma pissed let's just get this fucking thing over with and fucking go

Fucking fine then let's fucking go then

How many


Here you go

Thanks y/n here's your fucking wrist band

Thanks a fucking lot

No fucking problem I'ma fucking go


Just around!






Walking up waiting for the concert to start you felt bad for how you acted and then started to find mia you looked and looked but when you saw her she was with someone else infact holding hands and kissing someone else getting a better view you saw it was the cheerleader the exact cheerleader that broke Mia's heart and dated the stupid ass jock you didn't even care to remember her piece of shit name(I author forgot actually) this made you mad again so you stormed off getting back to the place you were before the concert starts and you watch only for a few seconds just to get on your phone to text mia over and over again she responds here and there but Then stops halfway through one song you feel someone tapping you on the head when you looked up it was Robiare he got your hand and lifted you up on stage you weren't sure what to say but he just looked at you dropped his mic out his hand up to your face and kissed you with the kiss lasting a long time the show ended and lights went off and everyone got quiet he let go and dragged you backstage just looking at him made you realize how much you actually missed him and cared for him the way you did

Why'd you leave me you left me all those years ago


No shut up because of you I'm heartless

No your not

How do you know that

Because you miss me and I missed you even though I left you

How do you know that Robaire how do you know that

Because you came to my show you came for me

What if I didn't what if I just really like the band or maybe was hoping I could hook up with one of the other members or I just came because hey fucking free tickets backstage passes you know

Is that true

At first I didn't wanna come then my friend convinced me because hey fucking free tickets and plus maybe I could have told you how I really fucking felt.....Robiare say something SAY SOMETHING




Robaire started crying and coming twords you this time you were the one to get him by the face and kiss him this time the kiss was different it was bittersweet

Can i-um can-can I go


Can I leave with you

I don't think that's a good idea y/n

Robaire I'm leaving with you

But don't you need to let everyone know

They will find out

Okay...let's go then

Yeah let's go

Robaire got you by the hand and the both of you started running to this bus it was the bus that everyone was staying at the tour bus to be exact Robaire showed you everyone and they said their hellos and greetings it was nice Robiare showed you the part of the bus with the beds and the one that he's been sleeping in

There's a shower if you want to uh....shower yeah and you can sleep here I'll sleep somewhere else

No wait we both can sleep here it''s uh it's fine see room

Yeah I'll get in

You were on the end close to the wall while Robaire was on the edge he got in closer and kissed you again after he looked at you

Y/n I didn't mean to leave you I didn't want to leave you I never wanted any of this

What do you mean this right now

No like having to meet you all these years like this after leaving you

Tell me we weren't just freinds

No we weren't just freinds and for sure we aren't now

Kissing Robiare again and it turning into a whole make out session your phone keto buzzing with overflowing text and and calls text and calls from mia and your mom you didn't care right now you were happy and will be happy for the end of time your mom said you still loved him after all so what's the big deal your just proving her point anyways

End of chapter 10 - leaving with you sorry again for the delay I rlly wrote this chapter with a charger that's barely working pee I held for about a hour and a half no more weed and tired ass hell mainly rap playing in my Spotify and a itchy boob with love tywitty20 bye bitches untill next chapter shit I still gotta write chapters for other shit FUUUUUUCK

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