You and Me

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Lets walk through the paths

Covered with the cherry blossom

Flourishing us with a flower shower

Lets run along the Chinese restaurant

Combat over who eats the most noodles

Lets grab smoothies and strawberries

Watch me sip the most

Crack silly jokes at you

And catch a glimpse of how

Beautiful you are with your anger hues

Lets go out all day, along the wild

Long drives and food, cause why not?

What more lets sing the craziest songs

And dance to most weird tunes of all

Let's stride along the shores

And let's splish splash the waters

On eachother and make our own

Little time of funky pranks

Lets watch the night sky

As it collapse into the shattered stars

And the lovely moon: exquisitely beautiful

Lemme put your hands in mine and

Adore the world in our own perspective

Lets have a pillow fight every night

And find out the strongest of all

Sing me a lullaby or a bedtime story

To put me to sleep

Lets paint our future together

How perfect we would look together

And of all, Lets love, without conditions

Over limits and just love

The way love should be loved

And finally, create a forever

A forever meant for me and you.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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