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Chapter 27

(Eve's POV)

Hotel Ceiling - Rixton

"Ms. Eve? Ms. Eve?"

My eyes flutter open to a unfamiliar voice, and I have to say that I'm shocked to see Tina standing above me, a bright smile on her face. It takes me a minute to focus and remember why I'm in Zayn's flat, and once I do, I hold my blanked tighter to my chest.

"I'm sorry to wake you, sweetie, but Mr. Malik asked me to wake you up by ten if you weren't awake by then," she smiles sweetly.

Because I'm not a morning person, I groan. It's ten o'clock. I had things do to today. Oh God.

"I've started a bath for you. Also, Mr. Malik asked me to let you know that he wants you at his office by eleven. Okay?"

I sigh inwardly, "yeah."

She smiles, then straightens her shirt. "I'll be on my way then. Your breakfast is on the table."

"Thank you," I mumble as she walks towards the door.

"Of course, Ms. Quinn."

I rub my eyes until I hear the ding! of the elevator, letting me know that Tina has left. It takes me a while to get up off the bed, but when I do, I'm suddenly reminded that last night's activities were not as gentle as they used to be. I lose my balance and nearly fall to the ground, but grabbing onto the side table keeps me from doing so. There is a terrible ache behind my left thigh, and I sigh when I remember Zayn's hand squeezing it hard last night.

Speaking of Zayn, I'm a little pissed. I'm not really used to being woken by a house maid The Morning After. It's not like I'm one of those clingy girls that demand attention, I just don't want to be woken by the maid when I'm laying naked in bed. I would've woken up eventually. . .

Okay, no, that's a lie.

After stumbling forward a couple of times, I finally walk into Zayn's giant bathroom. I've seen it many times before, but I'm still not used to it. I mean, it's bigger than my entire bedroom.

My eyes land on the bathtub, and I let out a sigh of bliss. Stripping off my blanket, I slide into the bath, releasing a breath of relaxation. My entire body aches from last night, though I regret nothing. Last night, Zayn was so rough, so strong, so much in control. . . It turned me on very much, to say the least. And although there is a giant bruise on the back of my thigh, teeth marks on my neck, his touch still lingering on my lips: I want to feel it again.

Truthfully, I hate when Zayn has control over me. But in bed, - or in this case, the back seat of his car - he can do what he wants to me. I'm all his. It seems that in the short time we've known each other, he's already memorized every part of my body. It's amazing.

I shut my eyes, feeling a little overwhelmed. I drop my head against the tub and let the hot water distract me from my steamy thoughts.


"Thank you for calling Malik Enterprises, what can I help you with?"

I find myself saying these words more often that normal, for every time the phone rings, I have to repeat them every time. Not that I was complaining though. This was far better than dealing with ridiculous scum bags and alcohol.

"Yes, this is Jourdan Hart. Is it possible for me to schedule lunch with Zayn this afternoon?"

It doesn't take me a single moment to remember the name. She was the same girl who Zayn was about to sleep with. The same girl that Zayn had ditched because of me. My blood boils, but I have to keep my cool.

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