The BET..

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A/n POV:

Next Morning:

Y/n woke up as usual in the warm embrace of Taehyung. He was still sleeping. She snuggled closer to his chest and buried her face there as Taehyung woke up.

Taehyung: *sleepy voice* "Good morning wifey."

Y/n: "Good morning."

Y/n's POV:

I was about to get up when I remembered yesterday's bet. Thank God I remembered. So I decided to stay.

A/n POV:

Y/n: "I don't wanna go anywhere today."

Taehyung: "Why all of a sudden?"

Y/n looked up and pouted.

Y/n: "Dunno."

Taehyung giggled and said...

Taehyung: "Ok then, lets first do the morning routine and then do anything else."

Y/n made a whining noise and went to the bathroom.

Taehyung: "Cute."

That's when realisation hit him. She's acting cute.

Taehyung's POV:

My eyes widened. Oh man... That was close. Thank God I realised before I said it in front of her. I would've lost the bet at the start of the day and then God... I don't even wanna think what might have happened. She would've teased me all my life.

Time skip

Y/n: "You'll be cooking today yay!"

Taehyung chuckled and started cooking the food while Y/n was hugging him from behind.

Y/n: "What are you cooking?"

Taehyung: "Egg and rice."

Y/n: "Hmm..."

Taehyung served the food and they both dug in.

Y/n: "Mmmmm... Wow. You should cook often."

Taehyung: "Nah! You only do it. I love your food more than anything."

Y/n: "Aww..."

She pinched his cheeks.

Taehyung: "Really? Do you think I'm a squishing toy now??"

He demanded with an expressionless face. Y/n giggled.

Y/n: "You know what... you're cuter than me."

Taehyung: "I know."

Time skip

A/n POV:

Whole day, Y/n was acting cute... It's hard to imagine and Taehyung didn't have an idea that she takes a bet so seriously. And the whole day Y/n had this one thing on her mind... Regretting life's decisions. But not to mention, they both were enjoying each other's reaction to some extent. Now it's almost night and Taehyung called Jimin...

[On Call]

Taehyung: "Hi Jimin."

Jimin: "Hi. Whatsup? How's your "Private Time with Y/n" going?"

Taehyung: "Good. By the way, I wanted to talk to Cristine."

Jimin: "Why?"

Taehyung: "And you say I'm overprotective. Put the phone on speaker. I'm not gonna flirt with her. I've got Y/n."

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