After effects of Victory Pt. 2

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Small Time Skip

Still A/n POV:

Y/n washed the dishes and was waiting when she heard the door open. Taehyung came into the kitchen and pecked Y/n's lips.

Y/n: "What has happened to you? Since morning you're..."

Taehyung: "You don't know how addictive your lips are..."

Y/n turned pink as Taehyung opened the cocoa powder.

Taehyung: "So what we've gotta do??"

Y/n: "First a mixing bowl... We need flour..."

Taehyung took out the flour. They started mixing the ingredients. Y/n would ask Taehyung to bring them and pour the right quantity as she stirred the contents.

Y/n: "Hmm... Now all we need to do is stir this properly."

Taehyung: "Need my help."

Goosebumps ran through her spine as she heard Taehyung's ocean deep voice right beside her ear. Y/n's breath hitched and her heart skipped a beat as she felt one of his hands slither around her waist while the other travelled down her arm and gently held onto her hand holding the wire whisk. He placed his chin on her shoulder. Taehyung smirked slightly, looking at her pink cheeks.

Taehyung's POV:

I smirked seeing her adorable self blushing... A scene I always love. I could see the effect I had on her. I lightly bit her ear and heard a gasp. And my mind told me not to stop. So I began to place soft butterfly kisses on her neck.

Y/n: "T-Taehyung... S-Stop."

Taehyung: "My wish."

Y/n: "Y-Yeah b-but we need to p-pour the batter a-and put in for b-baking, r-right?"

Taehyung: "Yeah."

I sighed and stopped. Y/n poured the batter in the cake tin and placed it in the oven.

Y/n: "The batter is still left. What should we do? Should we make cupcakes?"

I smirked as I remembered one of the videos I saw earlier. I wanted to try that... That's why I planned to make a cake.

Taehyung: "No need. I already have an idea."

Y/n's POV:

I turned around to face him when he suddenly made me sit on the counter. I looked him in the eye as he was already staring at me intensely. But the thing that was making me suspicious was his slight smirk. He usually smirks like this when he's thinking something wild or mischievous.

A/n POV:

Taehyung was giggling internally seeing Y/n's suspicious face. Of course she wasn't wrong.

Y/n's POV:

He slowly extended his hand as I followed it's movements. He dipped his fingers in the leftover batter. I was confused but then he started applying the batter on my lips and his smirk continued to become bigger and bigger.

Y/n: "T-Tae... What are you-"

At that very moment, he smashed his lips on mine and began to move them softly yet passionately, licking away the batter while still kissing me. My body froze. At the corner of my eyes I could see him dipping his fingers in the batter again and then I felt a wet touch on my jawline. Taehyung began tracing his kisses down, following the places where his fingers applied the batter. A m*an left my lips as I couldn't hold it in anymore. His one hand held onto my waist preventing me from moving anywhere whereas the other one was busy applying the leftover mixture on my neck area. My breath was slowly becoming heavy. My heart was beating at an abnormal speed and skipped every time I felt his cold fingers touch my skin.

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