Hour Nineteen

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8:00 AM

The alarm clock started playing the local Wednesday morning news. Ella awoke to the perky voices of the news announcers going over the previous day's endeavors. She blocked her face with her hand as the sun peeked through her curtains. She sighed and turned over, facing away from her windows. Her eyes stung from the night before.

"What's the point?" she said aloud. Church would start in four hours. Her death would be in five, if she were lucky. Nevertheless, she willed herself to get out of bed and started her morning routine. It was her last time, so why not make the most of it?

Ella brushed her teeth, washed her hair, and picked out her favorite church outfit, a light-green blouse with dark blue jeans. Most people called her church outfits simple and plain, but she embraced that notion. "Would you rather me be complicated?" she said often to her critics. She laughed at that thought, then sighed. 

9:00 AM, the clock read, reminding Ella of her impending doom. She ignored it and started on her makeup. The song she would sing was playing in the background as she applied her makeup. As she grabbed a blush brush that had fallen to the ground, a tear ran down her face. The last time she'd seen it was the day her father left. The dried blood was still on the handle.


The sound of shattering glass filled Ella's ears. Arguments were normal, but this was new. She peeked out of her room's door and saw her father storming down the hall, kicking the various bottles that has been strewn across the floor. Her mother ran after him, sobbing loudly while stepping on the broken glass.

Ella watched in confusion as her father whipped around, handed her mother a brush, and pushed her over. She landed on her hands, bloodying them on the glass shards. Ella ran to her mother and hugged her, then turned to face her dad. He gave her a solemn stare, then left the house. Her mother continued to cry, so she tried drying her face with her shirt and took the makeup brush from her hand, which was covered in blood. 


Ella blinked twice and became aware of her surroundings again. When she looked in the mirror, she saw her face was covered in tears, her mascara ruined. When she looked at her clock through her tears, she saw that it said 10:00 AM

"Wait, where'd the time go?" she said out loud again. "I was daydreaming for an hour?" Then she blacked out.

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