how it all started

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Today was the start of m new school, it was the end of the year and I was the new kid, great. I was woken up by my mother's phone ringing, It was dad "Hello?" she answered chirpily dad replied the only reason I knew was because I heard the muffled sounds of words coming from the phone. I sighed and got out of bed, getting ready for school I started by getting dressed, I looked at my uniform "dear god, I look like a watermelon." I whispered to myself. I went to the bathroom to straighten my hair and brush my teeth, I was straightening my bangs when my mum yells out to see if I'm ready to go yet. I jumped causing myself to burn my eye lid, I cried out in pain as it blistered almost instantly I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. "It's my first day of school and I'm going to have a burn on my eye lid"

I walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me "are you ready to go yet?" mum asked "as ready as I'll ever be I guess" I replied with a nervous smile. "Let's go shall we?" mum smiled pulling me out the door, we got into the car and made our first commute to school. I wasn't gonna lie, I was terrified, inhaled and then exhaled to calm myself down a little. "Are you nervous?" mum questioned "yeah, a-a little..." I stuttered as we pulled up to the school gates, "you'll be fine Jord, you're a great, genuine kid, they will love you." Mum replied giving me a kiss on the cheek. I sighed and kissed her on the cheek back and got out of the car and walked in, I turned around to watch mum leave as I walked into the unpleasant unknown.

I walked to the administration office and notice a busy place that looks like a library as I waited in line, I waited a few minutes until it was my turn. I smiled and said "hello, I'm new here I was wondering if I could get my time table?" she smiled back "of course you can! What's your name sweet heart?" she asked. "M-my names Jordyn Dick" I stuttered, she looked at my time table and printed it off at the printer then gave it to me "Good luck on your first day here sweetie" she said in a sickly sweet tone of voice. I took the time table and went to investigate this library type thing, I put my time table in my bag and set it down into a bag rack and walking into the library. I went straight to the manga and anime section without thinking I subconsciously went looking for my favourite comfort manga Kuroshitsuji, I found it and sat down on a nearby couch to read.

I was sitting there by myself before someone came and sat beside me, I looked up from my manga "Hello?" I said "Hey" he replies. The boy had long dark brown hair and wonderful big brown eyes, he was tall and lanky pretty much towered of the five foot nothing Jordy. I felt a strong feeling for this boy I just didn't know what it was yet. I was snapped out of my thoughts by him waving his hand in front of my face "Hello~?" he sang in sing song. I shook my head, "S-sorry, I wasn't paying attention, what did you say?" I could feel my cheeks getting hot, I looked down for a minute. He laughed a little "what's your name?" he asked "my name's Jordy, What's yours?" I replied. "My names Kuro, it's nice to meet you." I looked up at the boy called Kuro "I-It's nice to meet you too." I replied.

We looked at each other in a daze of emotions, well, I looked at him in a daze of emotions, he looked down at my book I was reading. "Oh, you read Black Butler too?" he asked I looked down a the book for a second, "yeah, I do, who is your favourite character?" I asked getting a little more excited. "My favourites are, Grell, Sebastian, Undertaker and Ciel" my eyes widened in excitement "my favourite characters are Grell, Sebastian, Undertaker and Ciel too!" a Cheshire like grin spread across my face. "I'm taking you're a big fan of it?" he asked chuckling at my childishness "Indeed I am a fan" I replied "how long have you been a fan of it for?'' he questioned "hmm...about three years I think, maybe longer." He smiled, "I guess I'm in the little leagues then, I've been currently obsessed with it for a little over a year." I laughed lightly "you can't "currently be obsessed with Kuroshitsuji" once you're obsessed with it there is no way of getting outta this hell hole." I told him.

Suddenly the bell rung, and everyone flooded out the doors of the library, we both stood up and smiled at each other "what grade are you in?" he asked "I'm in grade eight" I answered "you?" I asked "grade nine." He replied as we got torn apart in the crowd "I'll meet you here at morning tea and lunch!" he called over the obnoxiously noisy crowd of school kids. "Okay!" I yelled back, getting my bag and running to my new homeroom class. I picked a seat in the back of the room so I wouldn't be noticed as much as I would siting in the front. We sat and read the notice board out and marked the roll, I went pretty much undetected, which was good. The bell went to signal the transition of first period, I reached into my bag and looked at what I had first...English. With my form teacher...great, if she didn't notice my in homeroom she will most certainly notice me now I sighed.

After that the day was pretty much a blur, a part from talking to Kuro everything just kind of seemed fuzzy. I was sitting in my final period, computer studies, since I came so late during the year I got the left over scraps of the classes nobody wanted. I sighed and placed my chin on my hand and waited for the bell to right so I could go home. The time ticked by slowly...painfully, just wanted to go home and tell mum about this amazing guy that I met today. Finally, the bell rang to signal freedom, we all logged off of the computers and raced out of the room. I walked out of class with my head down "Jordy!" I heard someone shout, I looked up, it was Kuro. "Heya!" I said happily "which way do you walk out?" he asked "I walk out the front way, I don't really know any other way yet" I laughed. "well I'll walk you to your car, you don't mid do you?" he questioned with a ghost of a smirk on his lips, "not at all" I replied.

We walked out to the car together our hands almost touching as we walked together, our fingers touched once or twice as we walked. I brushed it off and didn't think anything of it. He opened the car door of me and said "hello" to my mum, "hey" she replies. I got in the car and looked at Kuro, "I'll meet you at the library tomorrow?" I asked as he nodded "Sure thing, bye bye." He turned around and walked away, I looked at him and waved bye. We went home and made preparations for dinner went to sleep. I laid in bed with a giant grin on my face, I just couldn't stop smiling and talking about this wonderful boy I had met today.

(AN: hey everyone! what do you guys think of the first chapter? let me know in the comments ^^


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