The begging of a new life

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My obnoxiously loud alarm clock screeched causing me to jump and fall out of bed landing on the floor with a loud thud and a smash of the alarm clock falling on the floor. "Ughh~" I groaned, slowly getting up in a drunkard-like state, I got ready, did my hair and put on my shoes but today I decided to do something a little...different. I walked to my small, black duchess and grabbed some foundation, powder, mascara and lip gloss. I started patting the foundation all over my face until it was blended, I then put on the mascara then the powder followed by the lip gloss.

''Mum! I'm ready!" I yelled, no answer "Mum?" I called again as I exited my room and looked around the house. I walked past the kitchen when I saw a piece of paper with mum's writing on it I picked it up and read it; 'I'm at work this morning you have to walk to school, have a great day Jord' I sighed and put the piece of paper down on the kitchen bench again. "Nice of her to tell me" I huffed in anger, as I shoved my books into my bag and looked at my phone to check the time 'seven fourty five?! I'm gonna be late! I promised Kuro to be at the library at seven fifty!' I inwardly screamed as I ran out the door.

My hair whipped around my face as I ran down the street and across the road, I heard someone laughing and calling my name. I turned back to look behind me and my heart went all a flutter, I saw Kuro walking up the street about a block away from my house. I didn't know we lived so close to each other, it kind of made me want to invite him over this weekend but I knew he would say no so why bother. I waited for him to catch up before I continued walking he finally caught up with me so we could walk together, "So, wanna hang out this weekend?" Kuro asked. I looked down in embarrassment, "um...sure I guess, I have to ask my mum first." I said as I looked down, trying to hide my blush.

"yeah, of course. I have to ask my Dad anyway" he said nonchalantly shrugging his messenger bag back onto the top of his shoulder. "So, what did you do last night?" I asked him, "Nothing much, watched anime, ate dinner...thought about you" I didn't quite catch what he said at the end "what did you say? I didn't hear you." I asked. "O-Oh it's nothing, never mind." Kuro stuttered, looking down at the ground, after about ten minutes we reached the back gate of the school. We slowly started walking down the hill, "hey Jordy, could I, don't worry." Kuro started. "What were you going to say?'' I asked, "never mind, it can wait." He replied.

We walked to the library together and walked around a little until one of Kuro's friends came up to us, his name was Alan. He had the strong muscular "I can beat the absolute bollocks out of you if I wanted to" body type. Where on the other hand I had the "I like hamburgers and Nexflix" body type you can probably tell why I'm ever so slightly sacred of him. But that's okay, he's pretty cool and seems nice "Hey" Alan said to me "hiya, how are you?" I greeted "Good, yourself?" he asked pulling me into the most uncomfortable hug I've ever had due to me only just meeting him. "I-I'm great, thanks for asking." I replied awkwardly pulling out of the hug.

Kuro talked to Alan for a while before the bell rang signalling for us to leave the library and head to our home room classes. "Meet here at lunch?" I asked "as always" he replied handing me my bag, we walked out of the library together then had to go our separate ways to head to home room. I walked into my home room class and decided to change it up and sit with a group of people in the middle of the room this time. Since last time I sat in the back I heard one of the girls talking about books and Logan Leeman, she seemed pretty cool and I wanted to find out more about her. I pulled up a chair and sat beside her, "heya" I said cheerfully "Hi! My names Jess, Do you like Logan Leeman?'' she asked like she was all hyped up on sugar. "Oh my gosh! Yes, I love him~" I swooned over dramatically, "see guys, I like this one. Be more like her and educate yourself on the god Logan Leeman" Jess said wrapping an arm around me.

The bell to signal the end of home room and the start of first period rang, I looked at my time table I had Science, ' ehh, not too bad of a class, it could be worse' I thought as I picked up my bag and walked to the Science block. We all lined up, walked in and got seated within a few minutes, as soon as we got our books out we were bombarded with facts about cells that we had to write down. I quickly scribbled them down they were 'There are two basic cell types, prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

Cells contain structures called organelles that carry out functions for the cell.

Groups of cells of the same type are called tissues.

Tissues are grouped together into organs that carry out functions for the whole organism.

Cells develop special features related to their function, in a process called differentiation.

The study of cells uses techniques such as microscopy and differential centrifugation.' Within a few more minutes we had more notes on the board, I sighed quietly "why must there bee so much writing!?'' I screeched internally. As I angrily scribbled the rest of the notes down as quickly as I could so I could just zone out for the rest of the lesson. Not long after that the bell rang "oh, wow. Class is over already?" I questioned myself. I shoved my books in my bag and got up to go to the library and meet Kuro and chill with his friends.

I walked the short distance to the library and set my bag down out the front and walked in, only to see Kuro wrapping his arms around one of his guy friends. I shook it off as nothing and went to go talk to them, until I saw Kuro kiss the cheek of is friend and uttering the words "I love you". I felt the bitter sweet pain of heart break as I teared up, I let out a quiet sob, it was louder than I expected so it caused both of the boys to turn around to see the almost broken girl silently sobbing. Kuro let go of his friend and embraced me, "Don't touch me." I snapped as I pushed him away. "Jordy, it was a joke..." Kuro trailed off, I ignored him the best thing to do was to get myself out of there as fast as possible. I violently flung the library door open and wreathed my bag out of the mountain of bags that was there and walked off. Not long after that the bell for the next two periods rang, I sighed in relief, at least I didn't have to see him for another two hours and ten minutes.

The next two and a bit hours were just a blur, nothing really mattered anymore I felt so broken I just wanted to leave the school and sleep. But that can't happen, I'm a goody two shoes. The bell rang for lunch and it was pretty much the same thing, just a mess of colour, nothing stood out. Well, not until Kuro walked out of the library as the bell rang to speak to me, "Jordy, can I talk to you on the way out to your car this afternoon, it's important." He said handing me my bag and looking at me with pitiful eyes, I hated when people do that to me. "yeah, fine" I said curtly taking my bag from him and standing up. I had math, great. A crap subject to round off a crap day, how perfect.

I once again floated through class, going undetected and not cared for, which was great I guess. It gave me a chance to listen to my music and relax for a while, I watched the clock, as time slowly ticed by, I was nervous. What was he going to say to me? Would he understand thati have feelings for him? Does he have feelings for me? Does he want me to not talk to h- RIIINGGGG. The bell sounded, it was almost music to my ears...almost. Kuro told me to wait outside my math class since he walked me there and his class was only down a few rooms from mine. I saw him walk out of class and walk up to me, my heart began to race 'was this love?' I asked inwardly. Kuro took my hand in his "Jordy, would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?" Kuro asked, clearly watching me blush a most unattractive shade of red. "Y-Yes..." I said looking into his eyes gorgeous brown eyes.

And that's when I knew that a new chapter of my life had begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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