[ 𝟬𝟬𝟮. ] bruised and beaten-up

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AN ALARMED GASP LEFT AURORA'S LIPS AS SHE GAZED ON AT THE SIGHT OF PETER PARKER, who was lay on the floor of the school yard, a hand pressed to his side as he struggled to get up

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AN ALARMED GASP LEFT AURORA'S LIPS AS SHE GAZED ON AT THE SIGHT OF PETER PARKER, who was lay on the floor of the school yard, a hand pressed to his side as he struggled to get up.

She quickly shoved her school books into Annalise's hands, rushing over to the boy and wordlessly crouching down in front of him. Aurora picked up his - probably broken - camera, scanning his face for any signs of bruising or blood. "What happened?" The words left her mouth before she could stop herself, a worried expression on her face.

Peter shook his head, clearly not wanting to go into much detail about what had previously happened. "I just- I fell." Peter was never great at lying, he never sounded convincing enough.

Narrowing her eyes at the obvious lie that he had told her, Aurora stood up from her crouching position, holding out her hand to Peter, who looked up at her, confused. "You need to go to the nurse's office. No offence, but . . . you look awful."

A mirthless laugh followed, "Wow, thanks," Peter muttered. He stood up, wincing when a sharp pain ran up his side again. "Y'know, you don't have to help. I know that you have class soon."

Aurora's eyebrows furrowed at Peter's knowledge of her timetable. Nonetheless, she decided to brush it aside, placing a hand on his arm as she led him to the door to the school. "Yeah, well, you may have a concussion. I don't want the guilt if you end up dying, knowing that I could have stopped it."

A high-pitched, worried noise left Peter's lips, "I won't die!" He exclaimed, jaw slack, shaking his head as he spoke. "Flash just punched me a couple times, I'm sure it isn't that serious!"

Aurora turned her head to face him, a triumphant grin gracing her lips, "Ha! I knew you didn't 'just fall'," she mocked his voice, pitching her own to be deeper. "Why did Flash punch you, anyways? He has a mean punch. Trust me, I would know."

"Yeah, I know, too." Peter muttered. Deciding not to push Aurora about why Flash had punched her, he continued, "Besides, it doesn't matter why he punched me. Thanks for bringing me here, though."

Aurora chuckled slightly, looking at the sign that read 'Nurse's Office', before pushing the door open. "You don't really think I'm just going to leave you here, do you? I'm staying until I know that you don't have a concussion."

"But what if I do?"

"Well, I didn't really think that far ahead." Aurora hummed, "I guess I'll just have to drive you home and apologise to your aunt and uncle." Everyone in the school knew about Peter's current family situation. They all knew of the fact that he lived with his aunt and uncle, not his parents. It wasn't exactly a secret. What was a secret, though, was what truly happened to Peter's parents. Many rumours about the two circulated the high school, but Aurora disregarded them - she believed that it wasn't her place to be curious about his parents, especially not when Peter, himself, was unsure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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