Chapter 3 - Get A Grip

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"Hey! Get off me!" His grip around her tightened as she tried to get up in the morning.


"Seriously! Levi Darkridge! If you don't let me go now I'll throw you off the balcony!" She threatened.

He laughed causing her to start laughing with him.

"Seriously this is wierd. Get off." He reluctantly let her go and yawned.

He propped himself up on an elbow.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Hunting." She replied. "If you'd get up you could come."

He sighed but got up and stretched.

She was shocked to see how tall he really was...and attractive.

Even in the morning.

"Well let's go then." They set off before shifting in the middle of the woods.

He watched her wide eyed.

She noticed and rolled her eyes padding into a bush.

A few minutes later she emerged with a large mouse.

Digging a hole she burried it and beckoned for him to follow her.

They walked silently farther into the forest before she stopped abruptly.

A rabbit.

Levi slowly stalked forward until he was close enough to pounce after insisting he go for it.

He jumped but it ducked under him running straight into Arley who took it out with a quick blow.

"Don't you know how to hunt?" She asked curiously.

He gulped softly before shaking his head.

"Oh it's not hard once you get the hang of it." She assured him.

He sighed, but she laughed.

"This rabbit will make a good stew." She said.

"Isn't that cannibalism?" He joked.

"Very funny." She glared at him jokingly.

"Let's take this back, come one."

They padded back before shifting to climb the stairs.

"Arley are you back?" Dianna asked.

"Yeah and I got dinner." She replied.

"What is it tonight?" She questioned.

"Rabbit stew with buttered mice, for me and Levi and mushrooms with ground hazelnut patties for my deer friend." She laughed.

"Very funny. It's not my fault I can't eat meat!" She proclaimed.

"I'm just kidding but that's what I'm making." She replied.

Dianna huffed but forgave her.

"You know you two would make great mates." She grinned.

Dianna laughed as she sensed them both go tense.

"I'm not kidding though." She giggled.

"OK that's enough of that. I'm going to make dinner." She said awkwardly grabbing the mice from Levi and shuffling to the kitchen.

She started off with grilling the mushrooms then the mice before buttering them.

She then chopped carrots, celery, potatoes, and skinned the rabbit before cutting it into pieces and putting it in.

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