chapter 3

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Today was our camping trip. I had called the mikaelsons and invited them to join us. To my happiness, they agreed and told me when they'd arrive. I finished packing the minute I woke up and got ready. I brushed my black and blue hair before changing into today's outfit.

 I brushed my black and blue hair before changing into today's outfit

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By the time I got downstairs, the house was filled with everyone. Dad looked annoyed but he knew I invited them for a reason. They were all smiling, when I finally walked back into the room and laid my bag on the couch. We headed to our cars and each got on the road. Last night, I booked a whole camp to ourselves where I am try to work on the mikealsons having peace with my father and uncle. I feel like Klaus and rebeckah would totally be fine with the peace. We all rocked to the radio in the car. We finally arrived at the campground around 10. Each of us unpacked and kept walking until we found a spot to put our stuff down. Everyone put up their tents while I got the fire started.

Enzo, Damon's and katy's tent

Enzo, Damon's and katy's tent

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Elena and stefan’s tent

Bonnie and Jeremy's tent

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Bonnie and Jeremy's tent

Bonnie and Jeremy's tent

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The mikaelsons tent

The mikaelsons tent

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Caroline's tent

Caroline's tent

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Matt's tent

As soon as everyone was done, we gathered by the freshly lit fire and just chilled

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As soon as everyone was done, we gathered by the freshly lit fire and just chilled. "How did you learn to do all this camping stuff" Elijah asked, getting out of his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. He held a large smile on his face and I looked over at rebeckah who was just dazzlingly happy. "Me and rebeckah went camping alot after we met" I said, shocking everyone. They hadn't expected rebeckah to like to camp but I guess it was easy because she had lived in tents and not actual houses when she was human. Elijah understood and coffee was given to everyone. Matt had suggested something fun when we started getting bored. We headed onto the riverbank and started baiting our hooks. The boys had gotten so excited to fish. All except Elijah. Elijah was a city man and you could tell it easily. So rebeckah had to teach him how to bait his hook and cast his line into the river. Surprisingly, he did really good.

By the time we were done, we had enough for tonight and breakfast in the morning. Dad didn't really catch that much fish. But kol and I caught a lot of fish. And we just acted like champions the whole time after that. It really annoyed the whole group but we didn't care.

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