chapter 4

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We all woke up this morning, pretty early. Considering that we were leaving soon.  Elena fixed coffee while I packed everything back into the car. As soon as I was done, elena handed me some coffee. "Do you think it worked?" She asked, causing me to shrug. I smiled. "They haven't killed each other or threated any deaths in the last few days, have they?" I asked, knowing she was paying close attention to their actions too. "No. They seem to be getting along" she said, before going to her tent and spending some last minute alone time with my father. It was weird. I never thought I would be getting along with a katherine look-alike. Enzo sat down and fixed him some coffee. "When are we leaving, love?" He asked, sipping coffee from his cup. I looked on my phone which had zero service. "In thirty minutes. Let me go tell the others" I said, putting my cup down and walking off into the woods. Klaus had went on a long walk an hour ago so we knew he should be back soon. I smiled when I saw Klaus and elijah talking with each other. "Guys, I'd hate to interrupt but, we're packing up now. We're leaving in thirty minutes. Hurry up" I said, before turning and walking back to our campsite. As soon as I got back, I saw dad putting his and Elena's tent in the car. Uncle stefan already had his stuff in the car and now we were just waiting on Klaus and elijah. They didn't take long before we were finally all loaded up. "Alright. Let's get this show on the road. I'm ready to get back home, take a shower and then go shopping" I said, which caused rebeckah and caroline to start up. "What do you say to a girls shopping day?" Caroline said. Rebeckah agreed knowing her brother had an interest In her. So I agreed. Caroline wasn't that bad though. Dad drove all the way back to our house where Elena and caroline stayed. Matt drove home and Bonnie stayed for the shopping trip. Elena just wanted some more time with dad so we didn't bother inviting her. We knew what she would say. Klaus, Elijah and kol went back to their house to unpack. And so did Jeremy. Oh who were we kidding the boy lived with us most of the time. I smiled as I grabbed my purse and card from my bed. Enzo stayed home to drink. Which was what he planned to do most of the day. Wasn't really a shocker to me. As soon as dad and Elena went upstairs, me and the girls headed out....with my dad's keys. We knew he wouldn't like it but he would just have to deal with it. I laughed at the thought of what he would say. I was so dead. We all knew it. But I didn't give a damn. I never did, and never will. Period.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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