Horror's Surprise

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It breaking
It's stopping
The cracked pieces
Are dropping
The bottomless pit
Has swallowed it whole
Day by day
Another piece gives way
Ur haunting blue eyes
Are my minds worst surprise
I wish and I pray
That'd you'd just go away
But I know deep inside
When that happens
I'll die
I miss you already
And I hate that its steady
When I see your gaze
My thoughts turn to haze
The pit grows more
I'm desperate to close the door
My walls grow so high
And crumble by nigh
I can't stand the emotion
The suffering devotion
The one standing notion
One touch and I'm yours
Break down my doors
I'm begging
I'm pleading
My whole world is bleeding
While I stare in your eyes
That hide horror's surprise

Author's note ;)

I know these are gonna have grammatical errors. Dont be afraid to point them out, I appreciate all help lol

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