Beautiful Girls

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Here's to the beautiful girls who are always pushed down
Life just decided that they're its fucking clown

Something to the beautiful girls who forgot how to smile
On the outside their laughing
Inside its been a while

Cheers to the beautiful girls forced to push past their fears
And face them every night for infinite years

These are the girls
Wearing our delicate pearls
Savage in their own beautiful skin
Their own kind of patience running dangerously thin

These beautiful girls are warriors within
The stain in their blood
Growing up, sinking in
Look into their glittering eyes
Their wolves whispers to run

They carve out their paths
By light of the setting sun
Worship the beautiful girls who fell and stood up
By villains were defeated
But refused to give up

Pray for the beautiful girls
who looked death in the eye
Those beautiful girls
No longer can cry

Help those poor beautiful girls
Torn apart by lustful greed
These are the beautiful girls
Where help is all they need
From their beautiful world
When the earth turned its back
When society shunned them
Said beauty's all they lack

Angels with deadly beautiful eyes
Watch as they fall from their beautiful skies
See as they rise
From the hellscape within
And tell me which girl
Holds a more beautiful sin

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