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Next thing she heard shocked her 😳Her boss told her about the new and one of the biggest project of hrutu's life and he told her that she is gonna handle the project as the head manager.

She was shocked 😯 and couldn't find her voice Mr Malhotra . Waved his hand infront of him which caused hurt to come out of shocked state she just nodded and stood up to move out. Her boss chuckled at her behaviour and shook his head.

When she moved out she saw Yash in her cabin, she knew why was he here. She just stood near him, as soon he saw her stood up and move towards her. She immediately jumped up and down in happiness and told Yash about the project immediately he wrapped his hands around to show his happiness. Aditi returned the hug with the same warmth. But there was one issue in this there were only a month and half left for the event but it was in Delhi and she has to stay over there for the time period which means she has to leave after 1 and half week later and has to stay there for atleast a month....

In the evening she went home. Taking her favourite sweets and ice cream 🍨 for everyone.

Ofco she has to deliver a good news to everyone in the family. When she entered her home she was welcomed by the aroma of delicious 🤤 food prepared by none other than her mother.

She told her that she was back and is now going to get fresh. After freshing up she went downstairs and saw that her father and brother has returned and were glued to the tv 📺 watching business news.

Now it was time for the dinner. After few banters filled with fun and love ❤️. It was time for the deserts and revealtion . She sat across the couch of her parents beside his brother. She took few calm breaths to calm her nerves her parents watched silently waiting for whatever it was coming their way......After the revelation her parents were very happy and proud of her and supported her to move ahead and join the team to Delhi. She texted it to Yash as per his instructions..


Next day she went to office regularly and told her boss about her decision and he asked her to complete pending work in this week so that she could prepare for the Delhi event and could prepare herself. The whole week was quite tiring as she had to complete all her work and other week went preparing for the event and packing her stuff. She was now standing in front of the airport with her family. She knew they will miss her and she will too. She had went far from parents but it was always quite emotional and now she was going for a month or maybe more . She hugged her parents and ruffled her brother's hairs.

All other colleagues were to join her next week till then she had to prepare other things which didn't need other's help. She landed in Delhi and checked in her hotel and relax and spend her day in the hotel And also informed her family about the same.




Next morning she woke up with a to do list to complete before the evening. Brushing her teeth and getting ready after a freshening shower she got ready in a comfortable pair of blue jeans and yellow top, she was not a fan of makeup so just lip gloss and combing her hairs did the work.

As she was the only one to get here first she got up for her work. Called everyone related to the event and cross checking the to-do list. In the evening when she finally was done with her work, she decided to have today's dinner out and explore the city 🌃

So she grabbed her sling bag, washed her face and reconvene her which was now a mess. And walked out of the hotel and also told the hotel reception about the same. She just roamed the city in the night and then finally sat down in a cute restaurant. While waiting for her order she video called her parents, and had a earful for roaming in the night alone from her mother to which she apologised with puppy eyes 🥺

After having a delicious 🤤 meal she was leaving the restaurant as she collided with something or someone. She muttered a sorry and looked up to see no Single soul there whom she could have collided with.

Confusedly she moved towards her hotel to rest. And it called it a day, last thought 💭 about who was the idiot whom she collided with who didn't even wait for an apology. weird human ...

she woke next morning with fresh mood and new ideas for the event and repeated yesterday's routine except she didn't collide with some one today. 

this continued for a week until her team came to join her. till then she had completed the arrangements she can do alone. she went to the airport to welcome her team and came laughing and smiling with her colleagues. she was surprised to see her boss as it was a rare sight that their boss joined them in any event but can't predict because this was one hell of a event.

 and she was super alert and working more hard for this project not because wanted appreciation but also because it was important for her boss and the company. she was hell worried for the event but after seeing her team and her best friend yash who came to help her she felt happy and light. everyone decided with their boss's permission to enjoy tonight in a club and buckle from tommorow for a hard working month. 

so this is the second chapter guys .

i hope i met your expectations and the story is just starting .

I hope you liked it And if u did then please comment and click over the star ⭐️ icon And do leave your opinion on the story.

the jerk is my husband?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora