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After the dinner affair, the next morning at the breakfast Mr. Malhotra told the group that they were heading back home in the evening and asked if anyone had a issue with this. when nobody objected he took it as yes to the flight and heading back home. till the evening everyone packed their luggages and bid the city their bye.

In the flight, yash got a seat next to Aditi so he was relieved that he was not stuck with any boring or snobby girls 👧 from his office and he didn't knew what was coming up.

Aditi and Yash had a banter on who was gonna seat on the window seat 💺 but as Aditi used her weapons (puppy eyes) which no one could refuse to Yash had to let the pretty seat go. After some time they noticed seat next to them was not occupied. just as they were engaged in one of their silly 🙃 games and banters laughing and making fun of each other. they heard someone clearing their throat as they looked up they saw Swati scowling at them or more specifically at Aditi. Aditi cleared her throat and noticed Yash with a sad expression as he was aware what was coming up. Swati always wanted Yash's attention romantically but Yash was crystal clear he couldn't give her that.

Now Yash was pleading with his eyes to Aditi to exchange seats with him. Stifling her laughter and throwing some tantrums. Aditi finally exchanged seats with Yash to save him from Swati. The flight ✈️ was not that long everyone was tired as it was a late night flight so walking Like zombies out of the airport everyone bid their bye 👋 to each other as Aditi and Rishi and suman lived near to each other they shared a cab 🚕 and got to their homes 🏡 Aditi had a spare key of the house so she used it and silently made her way to her room and after freshning up she jumped on her bed 🛌

Next morning Aditi woke up with some loud laughs and chattering as it was weekend she didn't mind getting up late. After brushing and bathing she went downstairs to see her one of the fav aunts to be there with his husband laughing and chatting with her parents. She squealed and hugged her bua (father's sister). The day was spent with lots of laughs, pulling each other's leg and teasing.

The next morning after the breakfast her bua and his husband left. Aditi recited everything to her parents and brother and got teased as blind by her brother for again and again colliding with people there in Delhi.

On Sunday Aditi's parents decided to have breakfast on their small terrace as the weather was nice and whole day they decided to clean their home and have some fun. This was what Aditi was missing in Delhi. Tho everything there was best but family was an important part of her life and she couldn't miss out on that but that will not stop her from growing. Her parents taught her the value of life and family and how to prioritise things and people in her life.

Weeks passed and her company had several different and new projects lined up. The success rate of the company was growing and her company made sone merges with other companies some were bigger and grand some were local but profitable. Everything was going well till now. Yash was always busy in his work but didn't forget to irritate Aditi in lunch breaks and while their little journey from home to office and office to home.

Everyone was satisfied and Aditi's mother was pursuing her to see boys for marriage but Aditi was trying to ignore the pleas. Yash was finding it funny 😆Aditi running from her mother for the alliances she was bringing for Aditi. Aditi's parents were supportive but her mother wanted her to settle down and live happily ever after. (Typical Indian moms)One fine evening Mr. Malhotra invited everyone for an urgent meeting. Firstly he distributed sweets to everyone and everyone was relieved 😌 that their boss was happy 😊 Abhishek announced the merge with Delhi's one of the best hotels on  all of them worked their asses off and wave of joy ran through all of them. Mr Malhotra also mentioned that there would be new recruitments and people might have promotions and also change in their posts and office place. But he decided to do it after a week after analysing everything and everyone.

next week was filled with questions. questions about the sudden changes, the new posts, the new place, new merge, new employees and what not ?

since the pending work was asked to be completed before this week ends everyone was busy as well. 





the day everyone was waiting for came sooner than expected. the morning of the monday brought new hopes, new fears and ofcourse new begginings. all the older work was completed as asked and everyone was chit chatting and discussing their views and probability of what might come up.

and correct 9.00 clock Mr. Malhotra entered his office and one by one every department was called in. they were requested not to discuss anything  with anybody before the final meeting where every single employ was invited. 

the lunch rolled in everyone was asked to eat lunch in their designated places to avoid chit chatting. and finally it was time for the final meeting where the final posts and announcements were to be made. new employees were introduced and were alloted their posts and works.    all the worthy and old ones were given promotions and new designations and at the end new branch was opening in delhi was announced everyone cheered but Mr. Malhotra revealed that some of the excellent employees will be given the chance to shift to delhi to operate the new branch. 

Mr. Malhotra announced the people eligible for the delhi branch and Aditi and yash was one of them , all of them were obviously given time to ask  their families and revert week later. the new office will be prepared  in next 4-5 months . so the work will only start after 6 months. the merge with the hotel will be applicable after almost 8-10 months from now.

so after the eventful day Aditi was in dilemma to choose between delhi and here and was also happy for everything and almost releived that yash was also transferred so she won't be all alone thank-god.

So that's the  chapter guys I hope you liked it And if u did then please comment and click over the star ⭐️ icon And do leave your opinion on the story, character and the chapter.

please do support people, and tell me if u like the bond of Aditi and yash
and ofcourse what are ur views about Mr. Malhotra.

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